
1833 Keziah Reaves Relinquishment of Dower

Dower Relinquishment - Keziah Reaves

Wayne County, North Carolina
Record Book, Vol. 2, 1810 - 1812
Contains Wills, Inventories & Settlements of Estates
Also Minutes of The Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

Image 68

This deed was duly acknowledged in open Court, ordered that Jno. Cox Esqr. one of the Bench take the private examination of Keziah Reaves she being here present in Court, John Cox Esquire who left the Bench & reported that he had examined the said Keziah separate and a part from her husband the said Jonas Reaves and that she acknowledged she had executed the said deed freely and without compulsion of any person.

Ordered that said Deed and this examination be registered.

May Court 1833 (May 23, 1833)


Contributors to this page: Beverly and Richard .
Page last modified on Wednesday 23 of May, 2012 09:45:20 CDT by Beverly.