1851 Census - HO107, Piece 1635, Folio 169 reverse and 170 face
Living at 73 All Saints in the Parish of All Saints, Hastings, Sussex, the household of William and Jane Reeves ... ...Transcript or Summary
Rel Cond Age Occupation Where Born William Reeves Head Mar 52 Furniture Dealer Hollington, Sussex Jane Reeves Wife Mar 50 Benenden, Kent Charlotte Reeves Dau Unm 20 Hastings, Sussex Joseph Reeves Son Unm 16 Errand Boy Hollington, Sussex Charles R Reeves Son Unm 14 Errand Boy Benenden, Kent Nelson Reeves Son Unm 12 Errand Boy Hastings, Sussex Rhoda Reeves Dau Unm 10 Hastings, Sussex George T Reeves Son Unm 7 Hastings, Sussex Stewart Reeves Son Unm 4 Hastings, Sussex Ann Curliss Servant Unm 15 House Servant Benenden, Kent Soloman Gibbs Lodger Mar 70 Fisherman *****combe, Sussex
- The first three entries are at the bottom of page 21 with the remainder of the household on page 22.
- The surname of servant girl Ann seems to be CURLISS. But note the maiden name William's wife Jane was CURTISS so the possibility that the cross
stroke of a T has been omitted should not be discounted. Jane and Ann share the same place of birth. A possible connection between Ann and Jane's
family has not been investigated.
- Birth place of Soloman Gibbs is perhaps Sedlescombe.