Edward Payon Reeve Family Bible

Edward Payson Reeve Family Bible

Edward Payson Reeve Family Bible


Edward Payson Reeve and Hester Morris Goodall married at Grace Church, Richmond, the 13th day of May 1861
Anna Byrd Reeve and Robert Edgar Bruce married at St James Church Richmond on April 5th 1888 at 6 o'clock p m by the Rev Joshua Peterkin

Born at Mannoville, Goochland County on Wednesday April 9th 1862 Anna Byrd Daughter of E. P. & H. M. Reeve
Born July 12th 1865, Wednesday 6 1/2 P M at Richmond Va Lucy Corbin Daughter of E. P. & H. M. Reeve
Born at Pleasant Oakes Fluvanna County Sunday 7 1/2 P. M. October 4th 1868 Elizabeth Beverly Daughter of E. P. & H. M. Reeve
Born at Windsor Forest Thursday September 7th at 1 1/2 P.M. John Goodall son of E. P. & H. M. Reeve in the county of New Kent 1871
Born at Windsor Forest New Kent County on Monday Oct 14th @ 4 P. M. Maud Stuart Daughter of E. P. & H. M. Reeve 1872

Died at Windsor Forest New Kent County August 11th 1872 @ sevan? oclick P. M. John Goodall son of E. P. & H. M. Reeve aged 11 months and four days was Baptized by Bishop Whittle Aug 10th @ 4 oclock
Died at the residence of her parents E. P. and Hester H. Reeve 529 N. 4th St at two o'clock Wednesday morning March 3rd 1886, Bessie Beverly Reeve.
Died at his home in Richmond June 10th 1898 Capt E. P. Reeve in the 65th year of his age
John Goodall Reeve was reinterred in his Fathers section in Holywood April 18th 1900
Died at her residence 408? 1/2 N? 8th St Richmond, Va on Jan 30 1908 Hester Morris Goodall Reeve, in her 75th year
Died at 313 So 3rd St R. Va on Sunday morning Anna Burd Reeve Bruce wife of Robert Edward Bruec daughter of E P. & H M Reeve Aug 6th 1911
Died in Henrico County, Saturday at 5:30 A.M Aug 31st 1940 - Lucy Corbin Reeve, daughter of E. P. and H. M. Reeve in her 76th yr.
Died March 26th 1958 at Richmond, Virginia Maude Stuart Reeve daughter of Edward Payson Reeve and Hester Goodall Reeve in her 86th year

Obituaries included:
Funeral services for Miss Lucy Corbin Reeve, 75, daughter of the late Captain Edward Reeve and Mrs. Hester Goodall Reeve, will be held at 4:30 P. M. Monday at the Joseph W. Bliley Funeral Home, Third and Marshall Streets. Burial will be in Blandford Hollywood Cemetery.
Miss Reeve died Saturday morning at her home in the Washington Highway. She is survived by a sister, Miss Maude Stuart Reeve, one niece and several nephews.

Funeral services for Miss Maude Stuart Reeve, 86, will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the Joseph W. Bliley Funeral Home, with burial in Hollywood Cemetery. She died yesterday at a local nursing home.
Survivors include four nephews, Corbin B. and Payson R. Bruce, both of Richmond, Robert E. Bruce Jr. of Atlanta, Ga., John G. Bruce of Bluefield, W. Va., and a niece, Miss Hester Beverly Bruce of Denver, Colo.

REEVE - Died March 26, 1958, at 8:40 P. M. in her 86th year, at a local nursing home, Miss Maude Stuart Reeve. She is survived by her niece, Miss Hester Beverly Bruce, of Denver, Colo.; 4 nephews, Robert E. Bruce, Jr., of Atlanta, Ga.; John G. Bruce, of Bluefield, W. Va.; Payson R. Bruce, and Corbin B. Bruce of Richmond, Va. She was the daughter of Capt. Edward Payson Reeve and Hester Morris Reeve. The remains rest at the Joseph W. Bliley Funeral Home, Third and Marshall where the funeral will be held Friday at 2 P. M. Interment in Hollywood.

Bruce - Fell asleep, Benjamin Byrd Bruce, infant son of John Goodall and Anne Gunn Brice, aged 1 month, at Asheville, N. C.


FamilySearch - Virginia, Historical Society Papers, 1607-2007, Bible records, 1700-1900, Box 54