1793 Deed - Joseph Pullen to Daniel Reeves

1793 Deed - Joseph Pullen to Daniel Reives

1793 Deed – Joseph Pullen to Daniel Reives

Wilkes County, Georgia
Deed Book MM, p. 239-240
14 Sep 1793


This Indenture made the fourteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety three and in the eighteen Year of American Independence Between Joseph Pullen and Rebecca his wife of the County of Wilkes and States aforesaid of the one part and Daniel Reives (sic) of the County and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said Joseph Pullen and Rebeckah his wife for and in consideration of the sum of twenty pounds Good and Lawfull Money of the State aforesaid to them in hand well and truly paid by the said Daniel Reives before the sealing and Delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof is hereby Acknowledged by the said Joseph Pullen and Rebeckah his wife and themselves fully Satisfied and paid Have granted, bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant bargain sell Release and confirm unto the said Daniel Reaves A Certain tract or parcel of land Containing twelve acres by the same more or Less on the South side of Pistol Creek and bounded as follows (to wit) Beginning at a corner Hickory on the South Side of Pistol Creek and running South seven Chains to a corner Willow Oak thence South Seventy West six Chains to a corner White Oak Thence West three Chains to a corner pine Thence North three Chains to a corner White Oak Thence North Sixty West One chain and fifty Links to a corner White oak Thence North Seventy five three Chains to a corner Maple Thence West three chains fifty Links to a corner Willow Oak Thence South thirty West four Chains to a corner Maple Thence South eighty West four Chains to a corner Elm Thence North eighty West two Chains to a corner pine Thence South Seventy West two Chains to a corner Willow Oak Thence North forty five East twelve Chains to a Corner Black Oak on Pistol Creek Thence down the Mianders (sic) of sd. Creek to a Beginning Corner Hickory – Together with all and Singular the Rights members and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining to the same & I the said Joseph Pullenand Rebbekah his wife being the Right true and Lawfull owner of the above bargained Land and premises will warrant and forever defend the same to the only proper use Benefit and behoof of him the said Daniel Reives (sic) and to his Heirs and Assigns forever In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and Seals the day and date being first above Written.
Signed Sealed and Delivered         }                               Joseph Pullen (seal)
In presence of ~                                }                                                her
                                                                                              Rebeckah x Pullen (seal)
          Benjamin Ford
          Thomas Wooten J.P.                                                 Registered the 29th Septr. 1794


Wilkes County, Georgia DB MM, p239-240 online scans of original deed book at Family Search

Contributors to this page: Beverly .
Page last modified on Tuesday 07 of November, 2017 11:59:24 CST by Beverly.