Walton Co., GA 1817 - Deed from Burgess Reeves to Humphrey Gwyn

1817 Deed - Burges Reeves to Humphrey Gwyn

1817 Deed - Burgess Reeves to Humphrey Gwyn

Walton County, Georgia
Deed Book K, p. 140
5 Feb 1817

State of Georgia
Jackson County
This Indenture made & entered into This Fifth day of February One Thousand Eight Hundred and seventeen Between Burges Reeves & Humphrey Gwyn both of the State & County aforesaid. Witnessesth that the aforesaid Burgess Reeves for & in consideration of the sum of Seven Hundred & twenty dollars to me in hand paid at & before the sealing & delivery of these presents doth bargain sell and deliver unto the aforementioned Humphrey Gwyn all that tract or parcel of land situate lying & being in the aforesaid County of Jackson on the Apalachey River containing one Hundred and eighty acres more or less adjoining Robert Ellison & said Gwyns land Beginning on a Hickory on Said River & running North 57 chains along Williamsons old line to a state thence 68 East 10 Chains 50 links to a post oak thence south 42 East 49 Chains 50 links to a black oak thence across to the River to a Hickory Thence up the meanders of the River to the beginning corner Together will all and singular rights members & appurtenances thereof whatsoever to the said Humphrey Gwyn his heirs & assigns doth warrant and forever defend in fee simple from me my heirs & assigns & all & every other person or persons whatsoever

In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and affixed my seal this day and date above written

                                                                  Burgess (X) Reeves

In Presence of
Jacob R. Brooks
Frederick Reeves

Walton County
Personal came before me L. T. Pharr a justice of Peace for sd County Frederick Reeves who being duly sworn saith he saw Burgess Reeves sigh the within for the within consideration & then he saw Jacob R. Brooks sign as a Subscribing witness Sworn to and subscribed before me this 17th July 1832

                                                                  Frederick Reeves
                                                                  J. P. Lucas Clk

Recorded 9th April 1833.

Note: The heading of this deed indicates that it was written in Jackson County and the parties were resident of Jackson County. The deed, however, was recorded in Walton County in 1833, some 16 years after it was written. Walton County was created in December 1818, over a year after the deed was written, and not organized until 1819.

Although most of Walton was created from Indian land, the act creating Walton was amended four days later to annex 250 acres from Jackson County.

This deed clearly indicates that Burgess and Frederick Reeves were in that part of Jackson County that became Walton County in 1818.


Walton County GA Deed Book K, p. 140
Photograph of original deed book pages courtesy of Kay Dawson.

Contributors to this page: Beverly and Richard .
Page last modified on Wednesday 31 of July, 2013 09:06:41 CDT by Beverly.