Chase Reeves

Chase Reeves

My grandparents were very interested in genealogy, and after my grandpa died my grandma began compiling all the information and documents they had accumulated into several boxes. They got me interested in researching the Reeves family, and now that she has also passed, I have begun to take over the family-tree stuff for the family.

My Reeves side of the family is Canadian, and I am part of the first generation born in the U.S. We have personal documentation and pictures of my great-great-grandfather John Thomas Reeves who lived in the U.S., but the timeline before him is somewhat fuzzy. Which is what brought me here to The Reeves Project! I would live to develop a more solid timeline and family tree in my grandparent's honor, and to have a better understanding of where we all came from.

Contributors to this page: Chase Reeves .
Page last modified on Monday 09 of August, 2021 18:45:19 CDT by Chase Reeves.