DNA Group 16 - Home Page

DNA Group 16 Home

DNA Group 16 - Home Page

The Current Story for Group 16

The members of DNA Group 16 are descendants of Miles Reves whose origins are currently unknown. The Y-DNA of descendants does not match that of any known Reeves' lineages, instead DNA analysis has shown a close relationship to a man who is descended from Reuben Hatcher, born circa 1770 in South Carolina. The DNA of this line of Hatchers matches the Y-DNA of descendants of Thomas Burton of Cobbs as well. What's more, there is no documentary evidence linking Miles Reeves to any Reeves' family. Researchers need to look for Hatcher/Burton/Reeves crossing paths possibly in Virginia, North Carolina, or South Carolina to determine how Miles came to acquire the surname Reeves.

This family's surname is spelled variously as Reves and in later generations Reeves, but there is no known evidence linking Miles Reves to other Reeves' families who used the Reves surname variation.

Group 16 - General Discussion

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Group 16 - Our Families and People

Family of Miles Reeves