
William Reeves, Page 9 ID 19

Errors of The Reeves Review II

William Reeves

Page 9, ID 19
See - http://www.joesue.com/Books/RRII/R0009.htm Link broken.

The Reeves Review states that this William Reeves, who died in Granville, NC, in 1751 is the son of William Rives born 1636 and the grandson of Timothy Ryves born 1588 in Oxford, England. The lineage listed as (William, Timothy, Richard, John, Robert) is completely incorrect.

DNA of the descendants of William Reeves of Granville is classified as Group 3 in the Reeves DNA Project. Numerous proven descendants of Timothy Rives born 1588 have DNA test results that fall in Reeves DNA Group 8. This means that William Reeves and his descendants are not of the Robert Ryves line that is documented in Reliques of Rives by James Rives Childs.

See DNA Group 8 on this wiki for the lines of the eight DNA group 8 participants.

See also the Family Of Robert Ryves for more information on the descendants of the Ryves of Oxfordshire.

No evidence has ever been cited for the name of the father of William Reeves of Granville nor has any evidence ever been found that connects him to the Rives/Ryves/Reeves families of Reliques of the Rives.

Listed on Pg. 9 ID 39.i of the Reeves Review II as a child of this William Reeves is John Reeves, who was also first identified in Granville County NC but not named in the 1751 Will of William Reeves. Although he appears to have been closely related, Y-DNA of John's descendants who have tested have several anomalies that suggested their relationship was not that of father and son.

The listing on Pg. 9 ID41.iii also includes William Reeves, Jr. and gives his wife as Elizabeth and her maiden name as Lawson or Hardy ? which is incorrect based upon historical data of Chowan County NC where he married. On all extant deed for that period beginning in Bertie County in 1728, his wife's given name is recorded as Hardy. She is the likely daughter Hardy, listed in the 1718 Chowan County will of Charles Merritt, Sr. who is closely associated with William Reeves, Sr. and William, Jr. continues to be involved with members of that family in deeds after the families had moved into Edgecombe County. The William Reeves with a wife Elizabeth whose maiden name is presumed to have been Lawson is from the next generation of this family both of whom died in York, South Carolina circa 1821.