1639 Will - Ann Reve


1639 Will - Ann Reve


Dated: 22? Aug 1639, West Horndon, Essex
Probated: Commissary of Bishop of London, 12 Nov 1639


the laste will and testament of Ane Reve of Weste Horndone in the County of Essex of all her goods & chattels that god hath bestowed upon her made the two? & twentethe of Auguste 1639 before me? ? of Childerdiche & Andrewe yannowld of ? and her brother Henry Renolds of Upminster as is under written Itm I give to my ii daughters denis & Joane all my lynine exceptinge tow paire of the best ? on of flax one &the other of ? for my sone Thomas and all the reste of my lynen to be equally paused? betene my two daughters Itm the reste of all my goods & chattels both within the house & withoute the house or any waye belongine or appartaining unto me I dowe gove them all unto my three children my sonne Thomas & denis & Jone and to thair heirs for evr excepting owte of them tene pounds of corente mony ovr & above for my daughter Jone shee beinge youngeste towards her bringing up Itm I doe make my brother Henrye Renolds my ovrseer of this my laste will & testament for all my chidrene and guardener for my daughter Jone until shee be of age

Witnesses Andrew Ganold?
Henry Renolds
Nicholas ???


Ann is the widow of Thomas Reeve of West Horndon, Essex.


Essex Archives - D/ABW 56/123