Spotsylvania Co., VA - 1731 Deed - Augustin Smith to George Reeves

1731 Deed - A. Smith to George Reeves

Deed - Augustin Smith to George Reeves

Spotsylvania County, Virginia
Deed Book B, 1730-1731, p. 173-174
28 May 1731


This Indenture made the twenty eighth day of May in the year of Lord God according to the Computation now used in the Church of Great Brittain seaventeen hundred thirty & one Between Augustin Smith of the parish of St Marks in ye County of Spotsylvania Gentleman of the one part and George Reeves of the parish of South Farnham in the County of. Essex Planter of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Augustin Smith for & in consideration of the summe of fifty pounds of good sound merchanable tobacco to him in hand paid by the said George Reeves at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge hath granted bargained & sold and by these presents doe grant bargain & sell unto ye said George Reeves his Exors. Administrators and assigns one piece or parcel of land conteyning one hundred acres situate lying & being in the south side of Rappahanock River about four miles above the falls thereof now in the said County of Spotsylvania bounded as followeth [vizt] Beginning at a markt hiccory standing by a branch of the Hasle Run being the beginning corner of afrs of land formerly belonging to Henry Reeves, decd. thence with ye said Reeves line south east sixty sixpoles to a red & white oak thence north east one hundred twenty & seaven poles between a hiccory and white oak standing in the Falls Branch thence north west one hundred twenty & seaven poles between two red oaks thence south west one hundred twenty and seavenpoles to a white oak thence south east sixty poles to ye place where it first began And all houses outhouses edifices buildings tobacco houses orchards gardens yards back sides ways water water courses timber trees & trees likely to become timber woods underwoods profits commodities advantages emoluments hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the said hereby granted premises belonging or in wise appertaining & the reversion reversions remainder & remainders rents & services thereof & of every part & parcel thereof and all the Estate right title interest claim and demand whatsoever of him ye said Augustin Smith & to the same To have and to hold the said piece or parcel of land or wood land ground and sold with their & every of their appurtenances unto the said George Reeves his heirs Exors. Admrs. and assigns from the day next before the day of the date hereof for & during the term of one whole year from thence next ensealing & fully to be compleat & ended yielding and paying thereof the rent of one pepper corn al the feast of St. Michael the Archangel_ if the same be demanded which said grant bargain & sale is so made as aforesd to the intent & purpose that by virtue of these presents and by force of the Statute for Transferring uses into possession the sd George Reeves may be in the actually possession of the sd piece or parcel of land or wood land ground and premises & may be thereof also enabled to take a grant release & confirmation of the reversion and inheritance thereof from the sd Augustin Smith to him & his heirs for the use of the said George Reeves his heirs and assigns forever, In Witness whereof the parties first above named to these present Indenture have hereunto interchangeably set their hands & wales the day & year first above written.

Sealed & Delivered                                     Augt. Smith (seal)
In presence of
Thomas Hill
John Leigh
Thomas Reeves

At a Court held for Spotsylvania County on Tuesday Tune 1st Anno Dom 1731. Augustin Smith, Gent. acknowledged this his Deed of Lease for Land unto George Reeves at whose motion the same was admitted to record.
                                                John Waller, Clk. Cur.

(The words (of May) being first interlined in the first line.)


SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY DEED BOOK B, 1730-1731; Antient Press; Page 171

Contributors to this page: Beverly and MartinB. .
Page last modified on Monday 28 of May, 2018 20:14:29 CDT by Beverly.