1819 Will - Elizabeth Reeve


1819 Will - Elizabeth Reeve


Dated: 6 Mar 1819 (Codicils 17 Jul 1820, 3 Feb 1823), Bocking, Essex
Probated: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 25 May 1826
Recorded: Piece 1712 (Swabey), folio 306 reverse


In the Name of God Amen I Elizabeth Reeve of Bocking in the County of Essex widow being of sound and disposing mind and memory (thanks be to God for the same) do make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say first I do by virtue and in pursuance and in exercise and execution of the power or authority given limited or reserved to me in or by virtue or means of the last Will and Testament of my late husband Jonah Reeve late of Bocking aforesaid grocer? deceased and by virtue of all and every other power or powers in me vested hereby give devise and appoint until my eldest son Joseph Reeve and his heirs all the messuages tenements or dwelling house outhouses yard garden and appurtenances which were late in the occupation of the said Jonah Reeve and by him in and by his said will given to me for my life situate and being in Bocking aforesaid and now in the several tenures or occupations of myself and my said son Joseph Reeve and John Boyton to hold the same unto my said son Joseph Reeve his heirs and assigns forever chargeable nevertheless and I do hereby expressly charge the said messuage tenement or dwelling house outhouses yards garden and appurtenances with the payment to cash of my other children namely Elizabeth Worsley (the wife of John Worsley) Mary Viall widow Rebecca Terling (the wife of John Terling) Ruth Ann Bell (the wife of Eli Bell?) Thomas Houston Reeve Hepazibah Cooper (the wife of William Cooper) William Beckwith Reeve John Forster Reeve Samuel Houston Reeve and Sophia Reeve of the sum of eighty pounds a piece of lawful British money within nine calendar months next after my decease and my mind and will is that if my said son Joseph Reeve his heirs or assigns shall neglect or refuse to pay the said respective sum of money or any of them or any part thereof to my said other children when and as the same shall become due and payable by virtue of this my will then it shall and may be lawful to and for them my said children or such of them as shall be so unpaid to enter into and upon the said messuage tenement or dwelling house hereditaments and premises and the same to hold and enjoy until by receipt of the rents and profits thereof he she or they who shall be so unpaid shall be fully paid and satisfied his her or their respective sum or sums of money together with all his her or their reasonable costs and charges to be sustained bby reason of such default of payment I also give and devise unto my said son Joseph Reeve his heirs and assigns all my part and share of and in all that ? or piece or parcel of land containing by estimation two acres more or less with the appurtenances now in the tenure or occupation of him the said Joseph Reeve and situate lying and being in Bocking aforesaid and it is my wish and request that my other children do release and convey their several shares of the said fises? or piece or parcel of land to him my said son Joseph and his heirs he or they paying to each of them fifteen pounds a piece for such respective shares also I give and bequeath unto the seven children of my late daughter Sarah Unwin deceased the sum of three hundred pounds of lawful British money to be equally divided amongst them part and share alike and to be paid to them respectively when and as they shall severally attain their respective ages of twenty one years and in the mean time their several shares thereof to be placed out at interest and the interest thereof paid and applied for their respective maintenance and bringing up and if any of the said children of my late daughter Sarah Unwin shall happen to die under the age of twenty one years without leaving issue then and in such case I give the part and share and parts and shares of him her or them so dying under the said age and without issue of the said sum of three hundred pounds unto the survivors of them the said children of the said Sarah Urwin part and share alike and to be paid to such survivors respectively when their respective original shares of the same sum shall become payable and my will is that all such part and parts of my household goods and furniture plate linen woolen china or other effects which I shall or may by any memorandum in my own handwriting order or direct to be delivered or to go to any of my children or other person or persons that the same shall go and be delivered according by my executors and executrix hereinafter named as if the same had been specified and given in and by this my will and I hereby give and bequeath the rest and residue of my household goods and furniture plate linen woollen and children unto my youngest so the said Samuel Houston Reeve and my said daughter Sophia Reeve to be equally divided between them part and share alike I also give and beqeuath unto my said son Joseph Reeve and my said daughter Elizabeth Worsley and John Lambert of Panfield in the said County of Essex gentleman (my executors and executrix hereinafter named) ten pounds a piece for their trouble in acting as executors and executrix of this my will and as to all the rest and residue of my monies credits goods and personal property whatsoever and wheresoever (after payment of my just debts the aforesaid legacies my funeral charges and the charges of proving this my will and all incidental expences) I give and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto my said children Elizabeth Worsley Mary Viall Rebecca Terling Joseph Reeve Ruth Ann Bell Thomas Houston Reeve Hephzibah Cooper William Beckwith Reeve John Forster Reeve Samuel Houston Reeve and Sophia Reeve to be equally divided amongst them part and share alike and I do hereby appoint my said son John Reeve my said daughter Eliabeth Worsley and the said Joseph Lambert executors and executrix of this my will and I do hereby revoke all former and other will and wills by me heretofore make and do declare this to be my last will and testament in witness whereof I the said Elizabeth Reeve have to this my last will and testament contained in three sheets of paper set my hand to each of the first two sheets thereof and to this third and last sheet my hand and seal the sixth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen
Elizabeth Reeve (LS)
Signed Sealed published and declared by the said testatrix Elizabeth Reeve as and for her last will and testament in the presence of us who in her presence at her request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto
William Low
Ezekiel Wood
Jno Holmes

Whereas I Elizabeth Reeve of Bocking in the County of Essex Widow haveing made my last Will and testament in writing bearing date on or about the sixth day of March one thousand eight hundred and nineteen and have thereby given devised and appointed unto my eldest son Joseph Reeve and his heirs all the messuage tenement or dwelling house outhouses yard garden and appurtenances now in the several tenents or occupations of myself and my said son Joseph Reeve and John Royton situate and being in Bocking aforesaid to hold to him my said son Joseph Reeve his heirs and assigns for ever charges nevertheless with the payment thereout to each of my other children in my said will named of the sum of eighty pounds a piece of lawful British money within nine calendar months next after my decease and in confidence that my said son Joseph would pay to my other children the said sum of eighty pounds a piece within the time limited for payment thereof I have by my said will given to my said son Joseph Reeve and equal share with my other children of the rest and residue of my personal estate now I do by this my writing (which I declare to be a codicil to my said will and direct it to be taken as part thereof) will and direct that in case my said son Joseph Reeve his heirs or assigns shall not well and truly pay to my other children the said eighty pounds a piece agreeable to my said will but shall refuse to pay the same to my said other children or any of them then that in such case he my said son Joseph Reeve shall take as part of the rest and residue of my personal estate but that the part thereof which I have by my said will given to him my said son Joseph shall in such case go to and be equally divided amongst my other children or such of them as shall not be paid the said legacy or sum of eighty pounds a piece In witness whereof I the said Elizabeth Reeve have hereunto set my hand and seal the seventeenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty
Elizabeth Reeve (LS)
Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Elizabeth Reeve as and for a codicil to her last will and testament in the presence of us who at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses to the due execution thereof
Will Shave
Ezekiel Wood
Jno Holmes

I Elizabeth Reeve of Bocking in the County of Essex widow do make and ordain this to be a codicil to my will bearing date the sixth day of March one thousand eight hundred and nineteen in maner following that is to say whereas I have in and by my said will declared my will to be that such part and parts of my household goods and furniture plate linen woollen china or other effects which I shares by any memorandum in my own handwriting order or direct to be delivered or to go to any of my children or other person or persons that the same should go and be delivered according by my executors and executrix therein named as if the same has been specificed and given in and by my said will and thereby give and bequeath the rest and residue of my household goods and furniture plate linen woollen and china unto my youngest son Samuel Houston Reeve and my daughter Sophia Reeve to be equally divided between them part and share alike Now I do hereby revoke the aforesaid bequest in favor of my said son Samuel Houston Reeve and declare my will to be that subject to any particular and specific directions thereof made or to be made by my as aforesaid I do hereby give and bequeath all my household goods and furniture books prints and pictures late woollen linen and china unto my said daughter Sophia Reeve for her own sole and separate use and benefit absolutely and whereas since the making of my said will Mr John Labert Thortby appointed one of the executors thereof is dead now I do hereby nominate and appoint Richard Barnes of Rayne in the said County of Essex Gentleman executor of my said will instead of the said John Lambert deceased jointly with Joseph Reeve and my daughter Elizabeth Worsley who are therein named executor and executrix and I do hereby give and bequeath unto the said Richard Baynes the sum of ten pounds as my executor in all other respects I do ratify and confirm my said will and a former codicil thereto bearing date the seventeenth day of July in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty
In witness whereof I the said Elizabeth Reeve have hereunto set my hand and seal the third day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three
Elizabeth Reeve (LS)
Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Elizabeth Reeve as and for a codicil to her last will and testament in the presence of us who in her presence at her request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses to the said execution thereof
James Coote
Ezekiel Wood
Jno Holmes

Proved at London with 2 codicils the 26th May 1826 before the worshipful John Trenchard Prikard? Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the oaths of Joseph Reeve the son & Elizabeth Worsley (wife of John Worsley) the daughter the executors named in the will Richard Raynes the executor named in the second codicil to whom admon was granted having been first sworn duly to administer.


England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858 (Ancestry)