Richmond Co., VA -- 1708-1711 Court Orders

1708-1711 Court Order Book 5

Richmond Co., VA Court Order Book 5, 1708-1711

Richmond Co., VA
Court Order Book 5, 1708-1711

(This book was transcribed by Ruth and Sam Sparacio (McLean, VA, 1997) and published in three installments, 1708-1709, 1709-1710, and 1710-1711.)

2 June 1709: The action brought by Henry Reeves and Thomas Monday & Mary his wife, admrs of James Reeves, deced., agsint Adam Pavey and George Russell is dismist, plts not prosecuting… (Sparacio, 1708-1709, p. 66).

8 September 1709: The accon of debt brought by Henry Reeves, Joseph Reeves, Thomas Monday & Mary his wife, admrs of James Reeves, deced., against George Russell is dismissed… (Sparacio, 1708-1709, p. 98).