Richmond County, Virginia, Order Book 6, 1711-1716
Richmond County, Virginia
Order Book 6, 1711-1716
(Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Richmond Co., VA, Orders, 1711-1713, 1713-1714, 1714-1716 (McLean, VA: Antient Press, 1991)).
4 May 1715: Ordered that Thomas Reeves doe officiate as constable…between Moratico and Farnham Creeke (1714-1715, p. 18).
5 October 1715: Last will and testament of John Simmons decd proven on oaths of Thomas Durham and Thomas Reeves, witnesses(1714-1715, p. 68).
2 May 1716: Thomas Reeves, constable in room of William White, between Moratico and Farnham Creeke, 2 May 1716 (1715-1716, p. 35).