Daniel Toy & John Bennett Family Bible
OLD BIBLEFamily records of John T. Reeve. Beaver Falls, Pa.
Thomas Biship and Bennett Bible printed in London England. Printed by John Baskett. Printer to the Kings most excellent Majesty and by
May 4, 1733. C.C.l.X. 1709
John Bennett Jr. married Mary Reeves. Their daughter Sarah Bennett, born 1732 died April 5, 1820, married Daniel Toy, December 29, 1756 in Burlington, New Jersey.
Daniel Toy born 1730 at five o'clock in the morning.
Frederick Toy born November 16, 1759.
Mary Toy born February 9, 1762.
John Toy born January 26, 1764.
Daniel Toy born February 15, 1766.
All baptized in St. Andrews Church, Mount Holly, New Jersey.
Elizabeth Toy married Joseph Reeves born 1753 died October 26, 1801, married August 8, 1782.
Daniel Reeves, son of Joseph and Elizabeth, married Margaret Steen born 1782, died 1844, married 1808
Valaria Reeves, daughter of Daniel Reeves and Margaret Steen born March 27, 1816 - died 1867, married William Carter, born December 11, 1802, died 1876, married at Beaver Falls, Pa., October 6, 1834.
Family Records of Adelaide Graham Owens (Mrs. R. R.) Oklahoma City.
Copied by Oklahoma City Chapter D. A. R.