1739 Petition by Wm. Reeves for Land in Edgecombe County
Minutes of the North Carolina Governor's Council
North Carolina. Council
June 05, 1739 - June 08, 1739
Volume 04
Pages 347-350
The 7th of June 1739
Read Sundry Petitions for Patents as follows videlicet
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Wm. Reaves 400 Edgecombe
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Wm. Reeves 400 Edgecombe
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Note: Wm. Reeves, one of a number of petitioners, is listed twice as petitioning for 400 acres in Edgecombe. It is not clear if this constitutes two petitions or whether it is a duplicate entry. One entry is "Reaves" and the other "Reeves".
There is nothing to indicate whether the individual referenced is William Reeves or his son, William Reeves, Jr.