St. Mary's Co., MD - 1740 Will of Mary Reeves

1740 Will - Mary Reeves

Will of Mary Reeves

St. Mary’s County, Maryland
Will Book TA1, Page 106
12 Jun 1740

The Last Will of   }   In the name of God Amen ye 12th Day of June in the
Mary Reeves       }   year of our Lord 1740, Mary Reeves of St. Marys County, being sick in body but of good & perfect memory, Thanks be to almighty God, and calling to Remembrance the uncertaincy (sic) Estate of this Transitory Life and that all flesh must yield unto Death, whom it shall please God to Call, do make Constitute ordain and declare, this my Last Will & Testament, and no other in manner & form following, Item I give to my beloved Sister, Susana Reeves fifty Earocks (sic acres?) of Land as my father Left me, part of that that (sic) Tract of Land my brother John Reeves, I and bequeath to her & her eirs Lawfully begotten for ever, and also a Reing (?) and my saydol (sic saddle?) to be delivered immediately after my Desest, and all the Rest of my moveable Estate I give and bequeath to her and her heirs for ever.
Witness by                 }                                           her
John Maddox            }                                    Mary + Reeves (Seal)
Thos. Reeves             }                                          mark
John ( R ) Haskins   }         August ye 6th 1740
John Maddox & Thomas Reeves two of ye Subscribing Witnesses to the foregoing Will being duly & solemnly Sworn on the holy Evangels of almighty God depose, and say that they saw the Testatrix Mary Reeves, Sign the foregoing Will and heard her publish and declare the same to be her Last Will and Testament that at the time of her so doing she was to the best of their apprehension of sound and disposing mind & memory and that they subscribed their Respective names as witnesses to the Said Will in the presence of the said Testatrix, and at her Request, and that they saw John Hoskins, Sign as witness at the same time in the presence of the said Testatrix - Sworn to before me
                       Tho: Aisquith Depty Comissy
                                               of St. Marys County

Contributors to this page: Beverly .
Page last modified on Saturday 19 of May, 2012 08:46:32 CDT by Beverly.