Deed – William Reaves to Hubbard Quales
Brunswick County, Virginia
Deed Book 2, p. 213
6 Jan 1742
THIS INDENTURE made the Sixth day of January in the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred and forty two BETWEEN William Reaves of North Carolina in Craven of the one part and Hubbard Quales (sic Quarles) of the County of Brunswick and Saint Andrews Parrish of the other part ~WITNESSETH that the said William Reeves for and in ~ Consideration of the sum of (blank in original) Pounds Current money of Virginia to him in hand paid at or before the Insealing (sic) and ~ Delivery of these presents by the said Hubbard Quales whereof he the said William Reaves doth acknowledge himself Satisfied and paid hath granted bargained sold and Confirmed and by these presents doth fully clearly and absolutely grant alien bargain sell and Confirm unto the said Hubard Quales all that Messuage or Tenement of Land Situate Lying and being in saint Andrews Parrish in ~ Brunswick County aforesaid Bounded as Followeth (to wit) ~
BEGINNING at a Poplar on the North side of Red Oak Creek a line tree in John Edmunds patent thence along the said line to a corner Spanish oak thence along the said line to red oak Creek aforesaid to a Corner a poplar which was a fore and aft tree in Edmunds Patent line thence down the said Creek as it meanders to the BEGINNING ~ Containing one hundred acres commonly known by the plantation whereon William Reaves did live being part of a tract which was given to the said Reaves by John Edmunds and now in ~ Possession of the said Quales with all Barnes Stables orchards Gardens buildings and other hereditaments to the same belonging or appertaining and now in the Tenure or occupation of him the said Quales and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents and Yearly profits whatsoever of all and Singular the premises to every part and parcel thereof ~ together with all and Singular Deeds Evendences (sic) and writtings (sic) Touching or concerning the premises or any part thereof TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said messuage to & from all other Charges tithes Troubles Incumbrances (sic) whatsoever had made Committed willingly or willingly suffered or done by the said William Reaves or by any other person or persons whatsoever Lawfully Claiming by from or under him the sd. Reaves or by his means assent or procurement the Rents and Services from henceforth to grow due to the Chief Lord or Lords of the (blank) or (blank) of the premises and further that he the said William Reaves his heirs or assigns etc shall and will at the Reasonable Request of him the said Hubard Quales acknowledge & Execute or cease to be made and done all and every such further Lawful and Reasonable act or acts thing things Conveyances and assureances (sic) in the law whatsoever for the furthermore ~ perfect and better assuring and sure making of the premises mentioned to be hereby bargained and sold unto the said Hubbard Quales his heirs Execors admins and assigns forever be it by fine or fines feofment or feofments Recovery or Recoveryes Deed or Deeds in Rolled or not enrolled the Involment (sic?) of these presents Release Confirmation with warranty of the said Reaves his heirs against him the said Reaves his heirs and assigns or any other person whatsoever AND LASTLY it is Covenanted granted (blank) Condecended (sic) unto and fully agreed on by and between the said Parties to these presents that all fines feoffments Recoveries and assureances in the law whatsoever had made Leveyed Knowledged suffered or done by or Between the parties to these presents or any of them of for touching or concerning the said messuage or Tenement and all and Singular the before hereby granted premises with their Rights members and appurtenances and every or any part thereof shall be and Enure and shall be Construed Esteemed adjudged and taken to be and Enure to the only proper use and behoof of the said Hubbard Quales his heirs Excors Admors etc forever and to no other use intent or purpose whatsoever IN WITNESS whereof the said William Reaves do hereunto set his hand and fix his seal the day and Year above Written.
SIGNED Sealed and Delivered his
In presence of . . . . . . . . . . . William W Reaves (L.S.)
Hugh Williams . . . . . . . . . . mark
Hez: Powell . . . . . . . . . . . . . At a Court held for Brunswick
William Read County January the 6th 1742
This Indenture was acknowledged by
William Reaves one of the Parties and Order’d
To be Recorded.
Teste Ster: Clack Cler Crt