Guardian Bond – Susannah Reeves
Essex County, Virginia
Will Book 7, pgs 369-370
17 Sep 1745
KNOW ALL men by these presents that we Wm Daingerfield Gentlemen and James Reeves are held and Firmly bound unto Thomas Waring Benj.a Winslow Francis Smith & Simon Miller Gentlemen Justices of the peace for the County of Essex and their heirs and Successors in the sum of one Thousand pounds Sterling to the which payment well and Truly to be made we bind our Selves our heirs Executors and Administrators Jointly and Severally firmly by these presents Witness our hands and Seals this 17th day of September anno Dom. 1745 –THE CONDITION of the above obligation is such that if the above Bound Wm Daingerfield Guardian of Susannah Reeves his heirs Executors and administrators do and Shall well and Truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Orphan all such Estate or Estates as now are or hereafter Shall Come to the hands of the said Wm. As Soon as She Shall attain to Lawfull age or when thereto Required by the said Justices of the peace for the County of Essex as also to save and keep harmless the said Justices their heirs and Successors from all Trouble and Damage that Shall or may arise about the said Estate then this obligation to be Void and of none Effect otherwise to be and Remain in full force power and Virtue ~
Wm Daingerfield (Seal)
James Reeves (Seal)
AT A COURT held for Essex County at Tappahannock on the 17th day of September Anno Dom. 1745 William Daingerfield Gentleman and James Reeves Acknowledged this Bond to be their act and Deed which was ordered to be Recorded and is Truly Recorded –
John Lee CECur