Granville co., NC Deed - McCulloch to Wm. Reves

1746 Deed - McCulloch to Wm. Reves

Deed from Henry McCulloch to Wm. Reves

Granville County, North Carolina
Deed Book A, Page 19
5 Nov 1746


This Indenture made this fifth Day of November in the Year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred & forty Six Between Henry McCulloh Esqr. of Soracta in the County of New Hanover of the one part and Wm. Reves of the County of Johnston Planter of the other part Witnesseth that the Sd. Henry McCulloh hath for Divers good Causes & Considerations moving him Hereto but more Especially for and in Consideration of the Sum of Twenty Pounds Currant money of Virga. to him in hand paid by the Said Wm. Reves before the Ensealing & Delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof he doth hereby Acknowledge & of Every part & parcel thereof doth acquit and Discharge the Sd. Wm. Reves his Heirs Extors and Adtors firmly by these presents hath given Granted Sold Alliend Enfeoffed and Confirmed & by these presents doth Bargaine Sell Enfeoff & Confirm unto the Sd. Wm. Reves his Heirs and assigns a Certain Messuage or Tract of Land lying on the South Side of Nuce River in the County of Johnston aforesd. Containing four hundred acres, Beginning at a White Oak on the South Side of Nuce Bank in the County of Johnston Runing then ce S25 W 254 pole to persimmon Tree then S 65 E 254 pole to a pine on the East Side of Ellowbys Creek then N 25 E 104 pole to the River up the River the various Courses of the River to the first Station, it being part of twelve Thousand give hundred acres of Land granted to the Sd. Henry McCulloh by Patent Bearing Date the third Day of March 1745 to have & to hold the Sd. Land and premises with their and Every of their Apurtenances freely and Clearly Discharged to the Said Wm Reves his Heirs & assigns for ever together with all woods waters and water courses and the Royallity of hunting hawking fishing fowling and all other Liberties therein and thereon containd only one half of all mines & minerals Excepted & the Sd. Henry mcCulloh Doth hereby Covenant & agree to & with the Sd. Wm. Reves to Save & Keep the Sd. Wm. Reves his Heirs and assigns harmless and Exempted from the payment of Quit rents for Nine Years next to come after the third Day of March Next but after the Expiration of that time the Sd. Wm. Reves his Heirs & assigns Shall well & truly pay to the Right Honorable Earl of Granville or his Successors or to the Sd. Henry McCulloh his Heirs etc. four Shillings proclamation money for Every hundred acres so Granted to the Sd. Wm. Reves his Heirs & assigns and the Sd. Henry McCulloh doth hereby Covenant and agree to & with the Sd. Wm. Reves his Heirs & assigns that he the Said Henry McCulloh is & Stands Lawfully Seized of an Indefineable Estate of Inheritance in fee Simple & that he hath Rightful power & Lawful Authority to Sell and convey the Same in manner & form afore Sd. and that the Sd. Wm. Reves his Heirs and assigns Shall & Lawfully may at any time hereafter have hold use occupy prosess & Enjoy the Sd. Land and premises with their & Every of there Appurtenances freely & clearly Discharged and Kept harmless with out the let (?) hindrance or Molestation of him the Sd. Henry McCulloh his Heirs etc. or any other person or persons whatsoever and that the Sd. Henry McCulloh Shall & will at any time hereafter make out at the proper Cost & Expense of the Sd. Wm. Reves his Heirs or Assigns Such other and further Conveyances as Shall be advised by his Councill Learned in the Law for the more Sure & certain Conveying the Same According to Law & Equity to the true Intent & meaning hereof & Warrant & Defend the Same from the Lawful Clame of any person or persons whatsoever to the true & faithful performance of all & Every of the Articles herein Contained the parties to these presents do hereby oblige themselves there Heirs and Assigns in the penalty of forty pounds Virga. Money, In witness they have hereunto Set there hands & Seals the Day & Year above written Henry McCulloh & a Seal Wm. Reves a Mark & a Seal Sigd. Seald. and Delivered in presence of us John Wade, Patrick Roggan (sic Boggan?) Wm. Houston Granville County — June Court 1747. The within Deed of Sale from Henry McCulloh to Wm. Reves was in open Court proved in due form of Law by the Oath of John Wade one of the Subscribing Evidences thereto & is ordered to be Registered, And at the same time Wm. Reves who Signed the Same appeared & Acknowledge it to be his act & Deed.
                                                                            Test Wm. Kendrick Dep Cl Ct


Granville County NC Deed Book A, Page 19, online scanned originals at Family Search.

Contributors to this page: Beverly and system .
Page last modified on Friday 12 of June, 2020 13:22:50 CDT by Beverly.