Deed - William Reeves to Ralph Hedspath
Granville County, North Carolina
Deed Book A, Pg 335
22 Jan 1750
North Carolina }Granville County }
This Indenture made and Indented this Twenty second Day of January in the year of our Lord One Thousand and Seven hundred and fifty Between William Reves of the County and Province aforesaid of the one Part and Ralph Hedspath of the County and Province afsaid of the other Part WITNESSETH that I the said William Reves aforesaid in Consideration of the Sum of One Hundred Pounds Money to me in hand Paid have given granted bargained Sold Enfeoffed and Conveyed unto the said Ralph Hedspath his heirs Executors and Admtors a Certain Tract or Parcel of Land Containing Two hundred and twenty Acres more or less beginning at a Spanish Oak on the Creek thence along a line of Marked Trees to a White Oak thence West along a line of Markt Trees to a Pine thence a Strait Course to the Creek thence down the Creek to the first Station Together with all woods underwoods Orchards Gardens Clear ground and all others the Appurtenances to the same belong or any ways appertaining to him the said Ralph Hedspath his heirs Exectors Admtors or Assigns free and Clear from me my heirs Exectors and Admtors and the same shall & will warrant Secure and Defend from all gifts grants bargains Sales Lease or Mortgages Joynters Dowers Executions and Incumbrances the Privigers (Privileges ?) and restrictions in his Lordships grant Excepted and any other Deed or Deeds of Conveyance to make as his Council Learned in the Law shall reasonably devise Advise or Require at the Proper Costs of the said Ralph Hedspath. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto Set my hand and affixed my Seal the Day and year afsaid -
Signed Sealed and Delivered William Reves (S:S)
In Presence of } At a Court held for Granville County March 5, 1750 The
Thos. Good } within Deed of Sale from William Reves to Ralph
W. Kinnon } Hedspeth was Ackd. in open Court in due form of Law and on Motion Ordered to be Registered Certified by Dan Weldon CC
Test - Willm. Eaton, Pub Reg