Deed - George Reeves to Thomas Davies
Prince William County, Virginia
Deed Book M, p. 189-190
24 Oct 1751
This Indenture made the 24th day of October in the year of our Lord God 1751. Between George Reeves of Prince William County and Thomas Davies of the same County Gent of the other Witnesseth that the said George Reeves for and in Consideration of the sum of twenty pound sterlin to him in hand paid by the said Thomas Davies the rec.t whereof he doth hereby Acknowledge hath Bargained and sold land by these presents doth Bargain and sell unto the said Thomas Davies his heirs and assigns that parcel of Land which he formerly made over unto the said Thomas Davies his heirs etc containing one hundred thirteen acres the same to be more or less and was made over to the said Thomas Davies by deed of Gift recourse whereunto being made will more fully and at Large appear and the reversion and reversions remainder & remainders Together with the rents and profits of the premises and every part & parcel thereof To have and to hold the said one hundred & thirteen acres, and all and Singular the within mentioned and intended to be mention’d premises bargain’d and sold with their and every of their appurtenances unto the Sd. Thos. Davies his Exrs, Admrs, and assigns from the day before the date hereto for & during the term of one whole Year from thence next Ensuing and fully to be compleated (sic) and ended Yielding and paying therefore his Yearly rent of one shilling sterlin at the first of St. Michael the Arch Angel only if the same be lawfully demanded to the intent that by Virtue of these presents and of the Statue for transfering of Use into Possession the said Thomas Davies may be in the actual possession of the premises and be Enabled to Accept a Grant of the reversion and inheritance thereof To him and his heirs In witness whereof the said George Reeves hath hereunto set his hand and seals the day & year first above written ~Sealed and Delivered in presence of
M mark
John + Reeves James + Roger George Reeve (Seal)
His his
Susanna + Rogers
October this 24th 1751 (illegible) receiv’d the within mentioned Sum of twenty pounds Sterling ~
Vms George Reeve
At a Court held for his County of Prince William 28 October 1751, George Reeve acknowledged this Lease which is admitted to record.
Wagoner CC