1759 Deed - Samuel Reeves to Micaijah Reeves
West Jersey Deeds Book T, p5229 Dec 1759
This Indenture made the Twentyninth Day of December in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and fifty nine Between Samuel Reeves of the Township of Northampton in the County of Burlington and in the Wester Division of the province of New Jersey yeoman of the one part and hos brother Micaijah Reeves of the same place yeoman of the other part Witnesseth that the said Samuel Reeves for and in consideration of the sum of three hundred and seventy pounds current lawfull money of the province aforesaid to him in hand paid by the said Micajah Reeves at and before the ensealing and Delivery of these presents the receipt whereof the said Samuel Reeves doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and from every part and parcell thereof doth fully and clearly absolutely acquitt release and discharge the said Micajah Reeves his heirs executors administrators forever by these presents &c the said Samuel Reeves hath granted bargained and sold aliened enfeoffed released conveyed and confirmed and by these presents doth fully clearly and absolutely grant bargain and sell alien enfeoff release convey and confirm unto the said Micajah Reeves his heirs and assigns forever Three certain pieces and parcells of land situate lying and being in the township of Northampton aforesaid and is bounded as followeth the first piece Beginning at a post standing on the north east side of the south main branch of Northampton River alias Raneoeus Creek, standing on the lower side of a small Creek o gull that runs into William Haines Marsh and is corner also to the land of the said William Haines thence by said Haines land north fifty Degrees east eighty five chains and eighty four links to a white oak marked WHW being corner also to ? by land of Henry Barom Esqr north thirty nine Egrs west seventy two chains and fifty links to a post in the edge of a hollow called Longwater Hollow corner to Henry Baxsons and Samuel Cripp's land then by the said Cripps north Twenty seven Degrees west Twelve chians and thirty five links to a white oak corner to land of Thomas Shinn Esqr Deceased for the line of land of said Cripps then by the said Shinn and land formerly of John Ogborne South Forty Degrees West Eighty six chains and ninety five links to a port at the aforesaid N? River being five parches? below the small run then up the said River the several courses thereof and bounded there this with to the place of beginning containing about two hundred and thirty two acres be the same more or less The second piece Beginning at a white oak corner to John Ogburn land now Joseph Whites? standing by the mouth of a small Branch of water near the south Branch of Aneoeus Creek and runs thence north eighty three degrees east five chains and a half to a white oak corner to the said white. And then south fifty five Degrees East twenty one chains to a pine corner in Walter Reeves line thence by the said Reeves land south forty three degrees west twenty seven chains to the aforesaid South branch of Roeneoeus Creek to the mouth of a gully then down the creek the several chaines thereof to the mouth of the small Brook first mentioned then up the same to the first beginnign corner containing fifty acres be the same more or less. The third piece Beginning in the south side of the northardly branch of North?yton River and runs from thence south westward five Degrees one chain and Twenty ive links to a Black oak corner thence south eastwardly forty Degrees three chains and twenty eight links to a black oak for a corner then south eastwardly eighty two degrees eleven chains and seventy five links to Daniel Martins land end then by his land north Easterdly fifty five degrees to a black oak by the said River being twelve chains and from thence bounded down the same to the corner first named containing fifteen acres be the same more or less. Together also with all and every the houses out houses Buildings and improvements mines minerals woods ways waters and water courses and all other the royalties franchises powers profitts commodities hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining and also all the estate right title interest property possession claim and demand whatsoever of him the said Samuel Reeves either in law or equity of in or unto the said pieces parcels and tracts of land and granted and bargained premises or any part or parcel thereof and the reversions and remainders thereo fand of every part and parcell thereof Which said pieces and parcells of land the said Samuel Reeves became seized of as followeth That is to say the first and third pieces thereof the said Samuel Reeves became seized by virtue of the Last Will and Testament of his father Walter Reeves bearing date the Twenty eighth day of May Anno Dom 1753 Which said first piece and parcel thereof the said Walter Reeves became seized of by Divers mense conveyances and other good assurances in the law as by a resurvey thereof Recorded in the Surveyor General's Office at Burlington in Lib S No 6 page 369 recourse being thereunto had may more at large appear the second piece and parcell thereof the said Samuel Reeves purchased of Charles Read Esq by Indenture of bargain and sale bearing Date the Twentyfirst Day of December Anno Dom 1753. Which said piece and parcell of land the said Charles Read Esq purchased of Thomas Shinn Esqr by Deed of bargain and Sale earing date the Eleventh Day of July 1747 Recorded at Burlington in book IK p332 may more at large appear the Third piece and parcell thereof the said Walter Reeves purchased of James Leppoinell by Indenture bearing Date the Twelfth Day of December Anno Domini 1737 who purcahsed the same of Joshua Humphris by Indenture bearing Date the Tenth Day of May 1736 And which said land became of right to the said Joshua Humphries as being the only son and heir to his said father Joshua Humphris deceased as by his Last Will and Testament or by both the right of whhich Descended from Walter Humphris the Grandfather to the said Joshua Humphries the Grantor to the said James Lippenoott and which said Walter Humphries who was legally possessed by some assurance and good assurances in the law legally invested of and in divers lands and tracts of lands within the said Division aforesaid Did by One Deed of Gift grant convey and confirm unto his said Son Joshua Humphris a certain tract or parcell of land with other tract of land therein mentioned situate lying and being in the fork of ? Creek alias Northampton River which said Deed is Dated the Sixth Day of October Anno 1694 and was Recorded in the public records of West Jersey in ? B folio 554-555 Relation being thereunto had may more at large appear. To have and to hold all and singular the above granted land and premises and every part and parcel thereof with there and every of the appurtenances unto the said Micaijah Reeves his heirs and assigns To the only roper use Benefit and behoof of him the said Micaijah Reeves for himself and his heirs doth covenant ..and agree to and with the said Micajah Reeves his heirs and assigns by these presents that he the said Samuel Reeves now at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents is and standeth lawfully rightfully seized and possessed of and in all and singular the above granted and bargained land and premises and every part and parcell thereof with the appurtenances of a good sure perfect & indefeasable estate of inheritance in the law in fee simple and hath in himself good right full power lawfull and absolute authority to Brant Bargain and sell the same according to the tenour purport true intent and meaning of these presents And unto the Micajah Reeve his heirs and assigns shall and will warrant and forever Defend the same Witness whereof the said Samuel Reeves hath hereunto set his hand and seal the Day and year first above written.Samuel Reeve (Seal)
Sealed and Delivered in the presence of D Jones Jur John Burr Jur Endorsed December 29th 1759 Recd of the within named Micajah Reeve the sum of three hundred and seventy pounds in full for the consideration money within mentioned & Recd
Samuel Reeve Test D Jones Jr
John Burr Jr
County of Burlington personally came and appeared before me Revell Elton one of the Judges of the Court for holding of pleas for the County aforesaid Samuel Reeve the Grantor in the within Indenture named whi acknowledged that he signed sealed and as his voluntary act and Deed delivered the same as to the uses and purposes therein mentioned Taken acknowledged this 29th Day of Decem 1759 before me Revell Elton
Recorded this 11 Novem 1763 Cha Read Secy