1760 Deed - Rubin Rives to Edward Devenport

1760 Deed - Rubin Rives to Edward Devenport

1760 Deed - Rubin Rives to Edward Devenport


Prince George County, Virginia
Record Book 1759-1760, p149


This Indenture made this twelfth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty Between Rubin Rives of the County of Prince George of the one part and Edward Devenport of the County aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Rubin Rives for the valuable consideration of the sum of forty three pounds current money of Virginia to him in hand paid the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and himself fully satisfied have given granted Bargained and sold aliened and confirmed unto the said Edward Devenport and to his Heirs forever a certain parcel or tract of land lying and being in the County aforesaid on the south side of the second swamp of Blackwater adjoyning to Richard Haycocks land containing by estimation one hundred and ninety foure acres be the same more or less, and bounded as followeth, To wit, Begining at the said Haycocks eastermost corner in a thicket thence along his line west twenty seven degrees North Fifty four poles to a corner faced inwards, thence North five and a third Degrees West one hundred and seventy four poles to Hurdevan? line as is supposed, thence along the same east one hundred and sixty two poles to a corner faced inwards, thence south two hundred and twenty poles to a corner faced inwards, thence west one hundred and five poles to Richard Haycocks line, thence north twenty seven degrees East Fourteen poles along his line to the begining together with all houses, orchards, gardens, fences and appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or in anyways appertaining. To have and to hold, the said land premises with their and every of their appurtenances, together with the reversion and reversions the remainder or remainders thereof unto the said Edward Devenport his heirs and assigns forever. And the said Rubin Rives doth for himself his heirs executors and administrators do Covenant promise and agree to and with the said Edward Devenport his heirs executors administrators or assigns that the said Rubin Rives his heirs executors Adminisrators and assigns shall and will at any time during the space of ten years make due acknowledge execute and perform such further and other conveyances for the Better Conveying of the said premises unto the said Edward Davenport his heirs and assigns as by the council of the said Edward Devenport shall be devised, advised and required and that he the said Rubin Rives the above sold land and premises unto the said Edward Devenport his heirs and assigns against him the said Rubin Rives his heirs and assigns and against all other persons whatsoever shall and will warrant by these presents and forever defend. In witness whereof the said Rubin Rives hath hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written.
Rubin Rives (Seal)
Signed Sealed and Delivered }
in presence of }
Memorandum this 12th day of February ??? that livery and cozen was given and delivered by the within named Rubin Rives unto the within named Edward Devenport of the land and premises within mentioned according to the term and tennor of the within written Deed in presence of
Rubin Rives (Seal)

At a Court held for Prince George County at the Court house on Tuesday the xiith day of February Anno Dom 1760 the above written indenture of Feoffment and memorandum of Livery and Seisin thereon indorsed from Rubin Rives to Edward Devenport were acknowledged by the said Rubin and on the motion of the said Edward they are by order of the Court Truely Recorded.
Test Theo Bland ClCur


FamilySearch - Prince George County, Virginia Record Book 1759-1760, p149