Deed – James Mills & Elizabeth his wife to James Reeves
Essex County, Virginia
Deed Book 28, pgs 329-331
19 May 1861
THIS INDENTURE made the Nineteenth day of May in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty one Between James Mills Gentleman and Elizabeth his wife of the County of Essex and Parish of South farnham of the one part and James Reeves of the same County and Parish Planter of the other part WITNESSETH that the said James Mills and Elizabeth his Wife for and in Consideration of the sum of Three hundred and Fifty pounds Current money to them in hand paid by the said James Reeves before the sealing and delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and themselves Therewith fully Satisfied Contented and aid and of Every part thereof doth hereby acquit and Discharge him the said James Reeves his heirs Executors or administrators and Every of them forever by these presents have Granted Bargained sold aliened Released and Confirmed and by these presents doth Bargain sell alien Release and Confirm unto the said James Reeves his heirs and assigns forever the several Tracks and Parcels of Land that he the said James Mills purchased of Mary Jones James Gatewood and Benjamin Gatewood Containing by Estimation Five hundred and Twenty acres be the same more or Less together with all the marshes adjoyning and belonging to the same Scituate (sic) lying and being in the parish and County aforesaid and on the South side of Horskins’s Creek together withal houses gardens Orchards Fences Woods ways marshes water and watercourses profits priviledges Commodities hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or appurtaining (sic) and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders thereof and all the Estate Right Title Interest Claim and Demand whatsoever of them the said James Mills and Elizabeth his Wife their heirs Executors or administrators or any other person whatsoever of in or to the said Land and premises or any part thereof To have and to hold the said several Tracts and parcels of Land and premises and Every part thereof with the appurtenances unto the said James Reeves his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of the said James Reeves his heirs and assigns forever to be holden of or Sovereign Lord the King his heirs and Successors by the Quitrents accostomed (sic) and the said James Mills and Elizabeth his wife for themselves there (sic) heirs Executors and administrators do hereby Covenant and agree to and with the said James Reeves his heirs and assigns in manner and form Following that is to say that it shall and may be lawfull To and for the said James Reeves his heirs and assigns from time to time and at all times hereafter peaceably and quietly to have hold use occupy possess and Enjoy the said land and Premises and Every part thereof without any manner of let suit Trouble Vexation Eviction denial hindrance disturbance or molestation whatsoever of them the said James Mills and Elizabeth his wife there (sic) heirs Executors administrators or any other person or persons whatsoever and that the said Land and premises and Every part thereof with all and Singular the appurtenances now are and so shall forever hereafter Remain Continue and be to the said James Reeves and to his heirs and assigns Free and Clear and freely and Clearly acquited Freed Exonerated and discharged of and from all manner of former or other Bargains sales Gifts grants Feoffments devises uses Joyntures dowers Entails Estates Leases Rights Title Charges and Incumbrances and whatsoever had made Committed done or Suffered by them the said James Mills and Elizabeth his Wife or any other persons or persons whatsoever and that they the said James Mills and Elizabeth his wife their heirs Executors and administrators shall and will at any time hereafter upon the Reasonable Request and at the Costs and Charge in the Law of the said James Reeves his heirs or assigns make do and Execute or Cause to be made done and Executed any Such further Lawfull and Reasonable Conveyance and assurance for the further better and more perfect assureing (sic) and Confirming of the said Land and Premises unto the said James Reeves his heirs and assigns forever as by the said James Reeves his heirs or assigns or his or their Council Larned (sic Learned) in the Law shall be Reasonably devised or Required and that they the said James Mills and Elizabeth his wife there (sic) heirs Executors and Administrators the aforesaid Land and premises and Every part and parcel thereof with all and Every of the appurtenances unto the said James Reeves his heirs and assigns against them the said James Mills Elizabeth his wife their heirs Executors and administrators and against all and Every other person or persons whatsoever shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents In Witness whereof the said James Mills and Elizabeth his Wife have hereunto set their hand and seals the day and year above written `Signed Sealed and Delivered James Mills (LS)
In Presence of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ } Eliz.a Mills (LS)
At a Court held for Essex County at Tapp.a on the 19th Day of May 1761 –
James Mills and Elizabeth his Wife (she being first privily examined and volentarily assenting thereto) acknowledged this Deed Indented to James Reeves & on his motion the same is ordered to be Recorded.
John Lee Junr CECr