Deed - John Bledsoe & wife to George Reves
Johnson County, North Carolina
Deed Book B-1, pgs 287-289
6 Jul 1762
John Bledsoe §to §
George Reves §
This Indenture made the 6th day of July in the year of our Lord 1762 by and between John Bledso & Susanna his wife of Johnston County and province of No. Carolina of the one part and George Reves Planter of the other part. Witnesseth that the Said John Bledso and Susanna his wife for and in Consideration of Ten pounds Current money of Virginia to him in hand paid and Satisfied have Given Granted Bargained Sold Released Enfeoffd and Confirmed & by these presents Doth absolutely Give Grant Release Enfeof and Confirm unto the sd. George Reves his heirs & assigns for ever one certain part of a tract or parcel of Land Situate Lying and being in the County afsd on ye So. Side of Neuse River Containing one hundred and fifty acres be the Same or Less According to the Bounds as followeth Viz beginning on the South Side of the Neuse River at William Humphries Corner a pine thence Wt. along the Said Line of Markt trees to another pine thence Wt. along markt trees to the Said River thence Down the Said River to the first Station – and is part of a Large track of Land Granted by a Deed to John Bledso from the Earl of Granvill Executed by his agent in his office in the Province and Dated the fifth day of Feb 1760 And by him the Said John Bledso was Conveyed by Deed to the sd. George Reves with all and Singular its Rites Members Hereditaments appurtenances Houses Gardins orchards and all other Conveniences profits Benefits and Emoluments unto the Said Land or to any part or parcel thereof any manner of ways appertaining to have and to hold the said part or parcel of Land and all and Singular on the premises unto the Said George Reves his heirs and assigns for ever in as full and simple manner to all Intents or purposes as the Sd. John Bledso and Susan.a his wife Ever did might or Could have held the Same before the making hereof and Such an Estate in and to the premises Cleard & freed from Widows, Dowreys thirds Joynters and Such Like Incumbrances Whatsoever and this Deed the sd. John Bledso and Susanna his Wife have by binds and obliges themselves their heirs Exrs. and Ads to Warrant & for Ever Defend to be good valid and Sufficient to the Said George Reves his heirs and assigns for Ever in Witness Whereof I the Said John Bledso and Susan.a his Wife hath hereunto Set our hands and affixed our Seals the day and year first above Written.
Sind Seald & Delivered John + Bledsoe (Seal)
in the presence of her
George Keath } Susan.a O Bledsoe (Seal)
Richd Bradford } mark
Wm Cloud }
North Carolina
Johnston County
July Court 1762
Present his Maj.s Justice then was the within Deed proved in Open Court by the oath of George Keith. Ordered to be Reg.
Test Robt Rainey C.C.