1763 Deed - James Massey to George Rives
Brunswick County, VirginiaDeed Book 8, p377
23 Jul 1763
To all people to whom these presents shall come I James Massey do send greeting. Know ye that I the said James Massey of the Parish of Meherrin in the County of Brunswick for and in consideration of the love and Goodwill and Affection which I have and do bear towards my loving father in law George Rives of the same parish and County have given and granted and by these presents do freely give and grant unto the said George Rives his heirs exrs or administrators or assigns all my land whereon I now dwell likewise all my slaves likewise all my stock of horses cattles and hoggs all and singular my goods and chattels being now in my possession likewise all my debts all other my estate both real & personal to have and to hold all the said Goods and Chattels to him the said George Rives his heirs executors or admrs from henceforth as his proper goods and chattels absolutely without any manner of condition. In witness whereof, I have hereunto put my hand and seal this twenty third day of July One thousand seven hundred and sixty threeSigned Sealed and Delivered }James Massey (LS)
in the presence of }
John Tomlinson }
John Houseman }
Benj Sykes } At a court held for Brunswick County the 25th Day of July 1763. This deed (?) was proved by the oaths of John Tomlinson and William Cook two of the witnesses and on the 27th Day of February next following it was also proved by the oath of Benjamin Sykes another of the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded
N Edwards mr D Cl