1763 Deed - Earl Granville to Malachi Reeves
Granville County, North Carolina
Deed Book G, Pg 136
1 Aug 1762
THIS INDENTURE Made the first day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & Sixty two BETWEEN the right honourable John Earl Granville &c of the one part & Malachi Reeves of Granville County in the province of North Carolina of the other part. Whereas &c Now this Indenture Witnesseth that as well for & in Consideration of the sum of Two Shillings Sterling Money in hand paid to the Sd. Earl Granville by the sd. Malachi Reives (sic) and also for & in consideration of the Rents Covenants &c he the sd. Earl hath given granted bargained & Confirmed and by these presents doth give grant bargain & Confirm unto the said Malachi Reives (sic) his heirs & assigns for ever all that tract or parcel of Vacant Land Situate Lying & being in Granville County in the sd. province On both sides of Tabbs Creek BEGINNING at a black Oak his own Corner thence Running by his line No. 350 pole to a hickory thence by his Line E 172 No to a white oak thence by Hicks Lines No. 108 pole to a black oak thence by Matlocks Line So 70 Wt 190 pole to three white oaks thence So 50 pole to a white oak thence by Hicks sd. Line Wt 224 pole to a white oak thence by Bufords Line So 138 pole to a pine thence by his line Wt 78 pole to a red oak & White oak thence by Morris sd. Line So 88 pole to a hickory thence by Arnolds Line Et 132 Pole to a pine thence by his line So 122 pole to two red oaks & pine thence Et to the first Station Containing in the whole five hundred and forty acres of Land all which premises &c Together &c To have & to hold &c Yielding & paying &c Yearly & every year &c unto the sd. John Earl Granville his heirs or assigns the yearly Rent or sum of twenty one shillings &c several pence half paying which is at the rate of three shillings Sterling for every hundred acres At or upon &c by half Yearly payments &c Provided always &cBe it Remembered &c
W. Churton { Granville (Seal)
J. Montfort { Tho. Childe ~ ~
Examd { Robert Jones Junr ~
Jno Linton
Granville County — Augt Court 1763. Robert Jones Junr Esqr on behalf of Earl Granville acknowledged this Deed to be his act and Deed and on Motion it was ordered to be Registered. Test Danl Weldon C.C.
Truly Registered Saml Benton P. R.