Brunswick County, Virginia - Order Book 9 (1765)
These entries are the only mention of any Reeves (or variant) in Order Book 9, all from 1765.Transcript
All from 1765On the petition of Moses Rieves against Edward Windham for two pounds five shillings and five pence half penny due by account the Defendant having been duly summoned and served with a copy of the petition and account and not appearing tho solemnly called and the plt having made oath to the justices of his demand it is considered that the plt recover against the Defendant the said two pounds five shillings and five pence half penny and his costs by him in this behalf expended.
Moses Rives ... plt }
against } In Case
Edward Windham Deft}
The Deft not being arrested on the motion of the plt by his attornie ordered that an attachment issue against the said Defts Estate for ten pounds and costs returnable to the next Court
The petition of Burwell Rieves against John Bates (Jockey) for two pounds Ten Shillings said to be Due by Account is dismist the Plt failing to give security for costs when Required and ordered that the plaintif pay unto the Defendant his costs
Ordered that William Massie pay unto George Rieves fifty pounds of Tobacco for two days attendance as a witness for him against Ephraim Peebles and Thomas House according to law
Ordered that William Massie pay unto George Rieves one hundred pounds of Tobo for four daise attendance as a witness for him against John Henderson
William Rieves Guardian of Anne Wyche Orphan of Peter Wyche Decd Returned and account of the said Orphans Estate which was examined and allowed by the Court Sworn to by the said William Rieves & ordered to be Recorded