1769 Deed - George & Agness Steagell to Fredrick Reaves
Pittsylvania County, VirginiaDeed Book 1, p349
30 Mar 1769
This Indenture made this 30 Day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine Between George Steagell and his wife Agness Steagall in the County of Brunswick of the one part and Fredrick Reaves of the other part in the County of Pittsylvania.Wittnesseth that the said George Steagall and Agness his wife for the consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds current money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said before the incelling (sic) and Delivery of these presents the receipt hereof he the said George Steagall Doth Acknowledge and confess himself satisfied and paid and thereof do clearly acquit exonerate & discharge the said Frederick Reaves his heirs exeutors and Administrators and every of them forever by these presents hath given granted bargained and sold and confirmed unto the said Fredrick Reaves his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land containing by estimation of five thousand four hundred acres it being all the land that we Frederick Reaves and George Tegall Bought of Robert Wickly lying on both sides of Pigg River Begining together with all houses out houses orchards Gardens and spring houses unto belonging or in any wise appurtaining to him the said Frederick Reaves his heirs of ever To have and to hold the said lands premises with there and every of theirr appurtenances to the said Frederick Reaves his heirs and assigns shall and will warrant and Defend by these presents against any person or persons whatsoever laying any right or title to the same or any part thereof as Witness thereof he the said George Stegall hath hear unto sett their hand and seal the Day and year first above written
Signed Sealed & Delivered }George (his x mark) Steagall LS
In the presents of us }
Abner Cockerham
Jno (his I mark) Law Senr Jno Law Junr
At a Court held for Pittsyva County on the 28th Day of July 1769
The within Indenture was proved by the oath of one witness to be the act and Deed of the within named George Stegall & the same was ordered to be certified and afterwards at a court held for the said County on the 25th Day of August 1769 the same was further proved by the oaths of two other Witnesses to be the act and Deed of said Stegall. All which were ordered to be Recorded By the Court
Test Will Tundsell Cl