1769 Will - David Reeve
Salem County, New JerseyWill Records 1815Q
5 Nov 1769
In the name of god Amen I David Reeves of Allaway Creek Salem County New Jersey Being weak in Body but of sound Memory Blessed be god do this fifth Day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine make and Publish this my Last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say that I will that all my Debts that I Do owe in Right and concience to any person whatsoever shall be well and truly paid in covenient time after my deceas by my executors hereafter named Item I give and bequeath and demise unto my eldest son David Reeves the house wherein I now dwell and all my lands and marsh lying on the south west side of Salem Road to hold to him his heirs and assigns forever and to come into his hands at the full age of twenty one yearsItem I give and bequeath and demise unto my son Joshua Reeves and my son Moses Reeves all my lands and Marsh lying on the north east side of Salme road and joining Henry Bakers other northside and to be equally divided and marsh Between the two to them their heirs and assigns for ever and to come into their hands at the full age of twenty one years And it is my will that if either David Joshua or Moses die without an heor of their own Body then the said land to be equally devided between the surviving two or their heirs and if two die without heirs them the survivor is to have all the land and marsh
Item I give and bequeath and demise unto my son James Reeves and Benjamin Reeves all my lands lying on the northeast side of the road that leads from Deerfield to Cohansey Bridge in Deerfield Precinct Cumberland County New Jersey as likewise piece of swamp containing six acres lying below Seeley Saw Mill and to be equally devided land and swamp Between the two to them their heirs and assigns forever and to come to their hands at the full age of twenty one years and it is my will if either James or Benjamin Die without an heir of their own Body then the surviving one or his heirs is to have all the land and swamp and if Both die without heirs then the lands is to be sold and divided equally among my wife and all my children
Item give and Bequeath and Demise unto my Daughter Prudence Reeves the full sum of fifty pounds lawfull money to be paid at her arrival to twenty one years of age and it is my wil that if she die before the time then the money to be equally devided amongst the five boys or their heirs
Item I Give and bequeath and demise unto my Daughter Mary Townsen twenty shillings to be paid her after my Decease
Item I give and bequeath and demise unto my beloved wife Julyaner Reeves all my land lying on the southwest side of the road leading from Deerfield to Cohansey Bridge to her and at her Disposal for ever and it is my will that she shall have all my movable estate and the (?) of the land during the time she remains my widow and to pay all my debts and all the legises and if she should marry then the rents of the land is to be put out to interest for the use of the children and I do hereby constitute make and ordain my Beloved wife Julyaner Reeves and my son David Reeves to be my executorix and executor of this my last will and testament and I do hereby utterly disalow revoke and disanul all and every other former testaments and wills and bequests and executors by me in any time before this time named willd and bequethed ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my Last will and Testament
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the Day and year above written
Signed Sealed Published Pronounced and Delivered by the said David Reeves as his last will and Testament In the presents of us the subscribers
David Reeve
Ephraim Mills
David Wood
Edward Wood
Juliana Reeves & David Reeves executrix and Exr in the within Testament named, being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God did depose & say, that the within instrument contains the true Last Will & Testament of David Reeves the testator therein named so far as they know or verily believe, and that they will well and truly perform the same by paying first the debts of the said Deceased and then the legacies in the said Testament specified so far as the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased can thereunto extend; and that they will make and exhibit into the prerogative office at Burlington a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased that have or shall come to their knowledge or possession or the knowledge or possession of any other person or persons for their use, and render a just & true account when thereunto required
Sworn at Salme 19th April }Juliana (her J mark) Reeves
1784 Before me }David Reeves
Thos Sinnukion Surrogate }