Granville County, NC Deed - Malachi Reeves to Anne Hopkins

1771 Deed - Malachi Reeves to Hopkins

Deed - Malachi Reeves to Anne Hopkins

Granville County, North Carolina
Deed Book I, Pg 344-345
20 Jul 1771


THIS INDENTURE Made The Twentieth Day of July in the Eleventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third and in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy one Between Mallechiah Reeves Senr. of Granville County & province of No. Carolina of the One Part and Anne Hopkins of the Same County and Province of the other part Witnesseth, That for and in Consideration of the sum of Five Pounds Current Money of Virginia by the said Anne Hopkins to the Said Mallachiah Reeves in Hand paid, the Receipt Whereof is hereby fully acknowledged, the said Malachiah Reeves hath Given, Granted, Bargained and Sold, and by these Presents doth Give, Grant, Bargain and Sell, unto the said Anne Hopkins her Heirs and Assigns a certain piece or parcel of Land, lying & being in Granville County aforesaid Beginning at a Red Oak in the said Malichiah Reeves line, running thence West to a White Oak & pine, thence South One hundred and Thirty Eight poles to a pine thence West Seventy eight poles to a White Oak thence South Eighty eight poles to a Hickory, thence East one hundred and thirty two poles to a pine in the sd. Mallachiah Reeves’s line, thence North along that line to the beginning containing by Estimated One hundred Acres, be the same more or less, To have and To Hold, the aforesaid One Hundred Acres of Land, With the Appurtenances, & all Rights, Priviledges and Improvements to the Same in any wise belonging, to her the Said Anne Hopkins her heirs & Assigns, forever, And the sd. Malechiah Reeves for him self his heirs & Assigns doth hereby covenant & agree; to and with the said Anne Hopkins tht she the said Anne Hopkins her heirs & Assigns, shall and may forever hereafter Pieceably and Quietly, have, hold, Ocupy possess & Enjoy, the afore Granted Lands & Premises, without the Lett or Molestation of any Person whatsoever, and free and Clear from all & all Manner of Incumbrance Whatsoever, And the said Malachiah Reevesdoth oblige himself his Heirs, Executors & Administrators to warrant & Defend the afore Granted Lands & Premises to her the said Anne Hopkins her heirs & Assigns forever, against the Claim of all Persons Whatsoever In Witness Whereof the said Malachiah Reeves Senr. hath hereunto set his hand & Affixed his seal the day & Year fst. above Written

Signed, Sealed, and Delivered   }
in the Presence of                         }                                                                 his
Jesse Benton                                                                               Malachiah ( R ) Reeves (Seal)
John Nelson                                                                                                    mark
Granville County Ss:     February Court 1772
          The within Deed was Duly Proved by the Oath of jesse Benton a subscribing witness thereto and on Motion Ordered to be Registered,
                                  Reuben Searcy C.C.
Registered in the Registers Office of the said County in Book I Folio 323,324.


Granville County NC Deed Book I, Pg 344-345, online scanned originals at Family Search

Contributors to this page: Beverly and system .
Page last modified on Wednesday 24 of June, 2020 10:02:04 CDT by Beverly.