1773 Deed - John Adams to Robert Rieves
Sussex County, VirginiaDeed Book E, p115
16 Sep 1773
This Indenture made this sixteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & seventy three Between John Adams of the County of Sussex of the one part and Robert Rieves of the County of Prince George of the other part Witnesseth that the said John Adams for & in consideration of the sum of one hundred & twenty five pounds two shillings & six pence in hand paid by the said Robert Rieves the receipt whereof he the said John Adams doth hereby acknowledge He the said John Adams hath Granted Bargained sold aliened & confirmed and by these presents doth Grant Bargain & sell alien & confirm unto the said Robert Rieves his Heirs & assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land lying & being in the County of Sussex containing one hundred & forty three acres be the same more or less Beginning at a Pawpaw Gum standing on the North side of Monks Neck Creek a corner between the said Adams & William Wilkerson thence by his line No. 70 East 193 poles to a Red Oak near the Road, thence running by said Road No 39 East 45 poles North 57 East 27 Poles to a small branch crossing the Road thence up the said Branch which is a line between said Adams & Stith Parham N 44 West 38 poles S30 West 16 poles N 68 West 25 poles to a sweet gum a corner of said Parhams thence by his line south 65 west 61 poles south 49 west 136 poles to a large pine by the Bed of Reeds Branch thence up the said Branch to a maple standing therein thence up the various courses of the said Branch to a small Holley tree in the said Branch and in the County line thence by the said County line South 45 West 92 poles to a red oak in said County line standing near the said Monks Neck Creek and down the said various courses of said Creek to the Beginning with all the appurtenances and also the reversion & reversions remainder & remainders thereof and all the estate right title interest claim & demand whatsoever of him the said John Adams of in & to the said Tract or parcel of land and every part of parcel thereof To have & to hold the said one hundred & forty three acres of land be the same more or less with all its appurtenances unto the said Robert Reives his heirs & assigns forever and the said John Adams for himself of his heirs the said tract or parcel of land with its appurtenances against him & his heirs and against all & every person and persons to the said Robert Reives his heirs and assigns shall & will warrant & forever defend by these presents In witness whereof the said John Adams hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day & year above writtenSigned Sealed & delivered }John Adams (Seal)
in presence of }
At a court held for Sussex County 16th day Sept 1773
This Indenture was acknowledged by the thereto subscribed John Adams to be his act & Deed and by the court ordered to be recorded. And Mary wife of the said John Adams personally appeared and after being privily & apart from the said John her husband examined did freely & voluntarily relinquish her right or interest in of & to the lands conveyed by the said indenture.
Test A. Claiborne CSC