Crosstitch by Lorrenda Reeve at Age 10
Transcript or Summary
Abner Reeve Born april the 25 in the year 1780Mehetable wife of Abner Reeve was born Octbr 15th 1784
A L Reeve was born March 20th 1803
I Reeve was born August 21st 1804
M Reeve was born June 16th 1806
F Reeve was born June 16th 1808
B Reeve was born July 26th 1810
H Reeve was born Septbr 8th 1811
S Reeve was born Octbr 16th 1815
F Reeve was born April 7th 1817
M Reeve was born Octbr 17th 1819
L Reeve was born Octbr 30th 1821
G Reeve was born April 24th 1825 and died Janry 5th 1831
Wrought by Lorrenda Reeve Aged 10yrs