1785 Deed - Hardy Reaves to John Prowse
Duplin County, North Carolina
Deed Book 1A, Pages 215-217
27 Aug 1785
This Indenture was made the twenty seventh day of August and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty five, between Hardy Reeves of the County of Duplin and State of No. Carolina planter, of the one part & John Prowse School Master of Duplin County and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth, that the said Hardy Reeves for & in consideration of the sum of fifty pounds specie to him in hand paid, the receipt whereof he doth acknowledge, hath given granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth give grant bargain sell convey and confirm unto the said John Prowse his heirs and assigns forever, a certain tract or parcel of land Situate lying and being in the County of Duplin aforesaid on the No. Side of Hurst branch of Bear Marsh, Beginning at a Back Gum in Hurst’s Branch & near about his line, thence runing (sic) along his line No. 7 Ea. 180 pole to a Lightwood Stake in the centre of tree marked pines, thence So. 83 Ea. 180 poles to two pines, thence along a rowe (sic) of marked trees to the head of a Bottom, thence down the bottom to the first Station, Containing by estimation one hundred acres, be the same more or less being part of a large tract granted to Christopher Burch, paten (sic) bearing date the 22nd day of February 1764, and by him conveyed to Joseph Burch, and by him to Reuben Weston, and by him to Burrill Branch and by him to Hardy Reeves and now by him to the said John Prowse as by this deed doth appear, to have and to hold the above bargained premises with all the appurtenances and previledges (sic) to the same belonging, to him the said John Prowse and assigns forever to his & their proper use benefit & behoofe forever, and the said John Prowse his heirs executors administrators & assigns forever, Shall and may from time to time & at all times hereafter by free virtue of these presents lawfully peacefuly (sic) and quietly have hold occupie (sic) & enjoy the above bargained premises together with all houses & out houses orchards gardens fences waters & water courses and all other appurtenances to the same belonging freely and clearly acquit from all manner of gifts, grants bargains sales leases wills mortgages or entails or any other incumbrance whatever, and I the said Hardy Reaves for my heirs and assigns forever do warrant and forever defend the above bargained premises to him the said John Prowse his heirs and assigns forever, from the lawfull (sic) claim or claims of all manner of persons whatsoever, In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this day and date above written.his
Hardy H Reeves (Seal)
Signed sealed and delivered in the
Presence of us Frans. Oliver
Levin Watkins
State of No. Carolina Duplin County Jany: Term 1786
Then was the within deed proved in open Court by the oath of Francis Oliver & ordered to be registered.
Test W. Dickson C.C.