Wilkes Co., GA - Bounty Land Grant, Lt. Alexander Reeves

1786 Land Warrant - Lt Alexander Reeves

1789 Bounty Grant to Alexander Reeves

The Georgia Surveyor General’s Office has the following Certificate (Lieutenant Reeves) and Warrant (Alexander Reeves) in the same folder (Box 4088, Folder C171288).


Cover Sheet
No. 530
Lieut. Reeves
750 Acres
September 1800

Washington Co.
February 1790
The bearer Lieutenant Reeves in the first regiment of State troops, and in the 4th company, commanded by Captain Robert Rains having faithfully served the time required by law is hereby discharged; and I entitled to a bounty of Seven Hundred and fifty acres of land, as recognized (illegible text) making compensation to the “troops in the service of this state” &c, passed at August the 24th December, 1789, and shall receive the same when special appropriations are made by law.
Jno. Clarke ___C. C.
Meriwether Auditor P. T.
Tho. Martin S. Genl


Cover Sheet
Alexander Rives
200 acres

John King

By the Court of Justices of the county of Wilkes

To David Criswell county surveyor for said County

You are hereby Authorized and required to admeasure and lay out or cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Alexander Reeves a Tract of Land which Shall contain Two Hundred acres in Wilkes County in lieu of an old Warrant of said Reaves.
Taking especial care that the same warrant has not heretofore been laid out any Person or Persons, and you are hereby also directed and required to Record the plat of the same in your office and Transmit a copy thereof together with the warrant to the surveyor general within six months from this date Given under my hand as senior Justice of said court this 28th day of March 1786.

H’ry Mounger J. P.
Benj Catching C. M. C.

Alexander Reeves
Platt 200

Pursuant to a warrent from John King, Esq. to Samuel Creswell.
I have assigned and laid out unto Alex. Reeves a tract of land which shall contain two hundred acres on the south fork Broad River on the north side having such marks natural and artificial as the above plat represents.
Certified 30 March 1786,
By Middleton Wood

Advertised 01 April 1786
73 Book C
Samuel Creswell
Daniel Creswell
Recorded Book I
page 278

(The plat shows John Barnett’s Land on the west side, vacant to the north, vacant on the east and unknown to the south.)

Note: “The Georgia Regiment” was authorized in November 1775 under the command of Colonel Lachlan McIntosh; it was re-designated as the 1st Georgia Regiment in July 1776. The regiment saw action in in Florida in 17777 and 1778, the Siege of Savannah and the Siege of Charleston. Along with the rest of the American southern army, it was captured at Charleston, SC in May 1780 while under the command of Colonels Habersham and Rae. The unit was reformed on January 1, 1783 as “The Georgia Battalion”; it disbanded on November 15, 1783. See The Continental Army of 1776 http://www.myrevolutionarywar.com/american-units/1776-army/.


Surveyor General Headright Land Grant Records, Headright and Bounty Documents, 1783-1909, Georgia Archives (Box 4088, Folder C171288). The resulting plat can be found in Georgia’s Virtual Vault http://cdm.sos.state.ga.us:8888/cdm4/document.php?CISOROOT=/looseplats&CISOPTR=29459&REC=1.

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