Orange Co., NC Deed - John & Mary Reeves to Hicks

1786 Deed - John & Mary Reeves to Hicks

Deed - John Reeves and Mary Reeves to Zebedee Hicks

Orange County, North Carolina
Deed Book 3, pg 159
1 Jul 1786


State of North Carolina
This Indenture made the first day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty six between John Reeves and Mary Reeves his wife of Orange County of the one part and Zebedee Hicks of said County of the other part. Witnesseth that for and in consideration of one hundred and fifty pounds current money to the said John Reeves in hand paid by the said Zebedee Hicks at or before the sealing and delivery of these present the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and therefore doth release aquit and discharge the said Zebedee Hicks his heirs, executor and administrators by these present he the said John Reeves and Mary his wife hath granted , bargained sold aliened and confirmed and by these present doth grant bargain, sell alien and confirm unto the said Zebedee Hicks and his heirs a certain piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the county of Orange and state aforesaid, bounded as follows consisting by estimation two hundred acres lying on both sides of Back Bruk of Haw River adjoining the lands of John Griffin and John Carrigan beginning at a black oak on the side of the great road leading to Hillsborough running thence ? fifty degrees east forty nine chains to a black jack then south fifteen chains to a stake in an old field then fifty seven chains to a post oak thence North forty eight chains to a post oak then south Nineteen chains to the first station and all houses, buildings, orchard, ? , waters, water courses, profits hereditaments an appurtenances whatsoever to the said premises herby granted or any part thereof belonging or in any wise appertaining and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders, rents, ? and profits thereof and also all the estate rights title interest use Trust property blame and demand whatsoever of him the said John Reeves and Mary his wife of in the said premises and all deeds evidences and rewriting touching or in any wise concerning the same to have and to hold the land hereby conveyed and all and singular other the premises hereby bargained and every part and parcel thereof with these and every of theirs appurtenances unto the said Zebedee Hicks his heirs and assigns forever to the only proper use and behalf of him the said Zebedee Hicks and of his heirs and assigns forever and the said John Reeves and Mary his wife for themselves their heirs executors and administrator doth covenant promise and grant to and with the said Zebedee Hicks his heirs and assigns by these present that the said John Reeves and Mary his wife now at the time of sealing and delivering these present is signed of a good ? and perfect and indefensible estate of Inheritence in fee simple of and in the premises hereby bargained and sold and that they have good power and lawful and absolute authority to grant and convey the same to the said Zebedee Hicks in the manner and form aforesaid and that the said premises now are and so forever hereafter shall remain and be free and clear of and from all former gifts, grants, bargains, sale, dowers right and title of Dower judgements ? titles to debts, ? and incumberances whatsoever made done committed and suffered by the said John Reeves or Mary his wife or any other person or person whatsoever and that the said John Reeves and Mary Reeves and their heirs all and singular the premises hereby bargained and sold with the appurentences unto the said Zebedee Hicks his heirs and assigns against them the said John and Mary Reeves and their heirs and all and every person and persons whatsoever shall warrant and forever defend by these present in witness whereof the said John Reeves and Mary Reeves his wife hath thereunto set their hand and seals the day and year first above written.
Signed sealed and delivered   }
in the presence of                     }                                                                               John Reeves
Andrew McCleary                     }                                                                               Mary Reeves
John Carrigan                            }

                              Orange County Nov Term 86
The execution of the within deed was duly proven in open court by the oath of John Carrigan one of the subscribing witnesses thence ordered to be register.
                                                G Benton CC


Orange County NC Deed Book 3, pg 159, scanned originals online at Family Search

Contributors to this page: Beverly .
Page last modified on Saturday 20 of June, 2020 11:59:18 CDT by Beverly.