Granville Co., NC 1787 Deed - Malachi Reeves to Talley

1787 Deed - Malachi Reeves to Talley

1787 Deed - Malachi Reeves to Reuben Talley

Granville County, North Carolina
Deed Book O, Page 591-592
1 Nov 1787


THIS INDENTURE Made the first day of November in the Year of Our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred & Eighty Seven Between Malachiah Reaves (sic Reeves) of Granville County in the State of North Carolina of the one part & Reuben Talley of the County & State aforesd of the other part Witnesseth that he the sd. Malachiah Reaves for & in consideration of the sum of Four hundred pounds Currant money of Virg. to him in hand paid by the sd Talley the Rect whereof the sd. Reaves doth hereby acknowledge hath granted bargained and sold aliened enfeoffed & confirmed & by these presents doth grant bargain & sell alien enfeoff release & confirm unto the sd. Talley his heirs & assigns forever all that said Tract & parcel of Land Situate lying & being in the sd. County of Granville and on the west side of Tabbs Creek Containing Four Hundred & Seventy Seven acres be the same more or less Beginning on the west side of Tabbs Creek at a pine running east 118 poles to an ash on Johnsons line then his line North 89 poles to a hickory then with his line & Burtons to a red oak 140 poles thence running North 60 degrees west 29 poles to a pine thence to the branch North 52 poles to a some ashes thence down the sd branch to the Creek South 61 degrees to the west 132 poles then down the sd Creek to the first Station & also the reversion & reversions Remainder & Remainders rents & Issues thereof & also all the estate right Title interest property claim (?) and demand whatsoever of him the sd Reaves of in & to the sd Tract & parcel of land To have to hold the sd land and premises unto the sd Talley his heirs & assigns forever & the sd Reaves & his heirs will warrant & forever defend the sd Land unto the sd Talley from all persons claiming or to claim from by or under him them or any other person or persons In Witness whereof I the sd Reaves have hereunto set my hand & Seal the day & year first above written.

                                                                              Malachiah (his T mark) Reeves (Seal)
                                                                              Elizabeth (her mark) Reeves

Signed Sealed & Delivered in presents of     }     Granville County
William Hicks Jr Frederick Reaves               }     Feby Court 1789
This Deed was duly proved by the Oath of William Hicks Junr & on Motion ordered to be Recorded.
          Truly Regd J. M. Satterwhite PR                     Teste - A Henderson CC


Granville County NC Deed Book O, Page 591-592, scanned originals online at Family Search

Contributors to this page: Beverly .
Page last modified on Thursday 25 of June, 2020 08:24:37 CDT by Beverly.