1789 Deed - Philip and Rachel Upton to John Reves
Columbia County, GeorgiaDeed Book B, p236
17 Jan 1789
This Indenture made the seventeenth day of January in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine, and the thirteenth year of the Independence of the united state of America between Philip Upton & Rachel Upton his wife of the State aforesaid of the one part and John Reves of the other part; Witnesseth; that the said Philip Upton and Rachel Upton his wife for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds lawful money of the said State to him in hand well and truly paid by by the said John Reaves at or before the sealing and delivery of these Presents the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, he the said Philip Upton and Rachel Upton his wife hath granted bargained sold aliened, Released, and confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain sell alien release and confirm unto the said John Reves and to his Heirs and assigns forever all that tract of land lying and being and being in the State aforesaid, and County of Richmon, on the waters of the great Keoka containing two hundred acres pine land, Bounding northwardly by lands of William Dranes Westwardly by Lands of William Waltons, southwardly by Lands Joshua Fullas, which will more fully appear by a plat of the same annexed to a grant, and granted to the said Upton by George Handly governor of the said State, together with all and singular the houses, out houses buildings and improvements Rents issues profits priviledges, commodities, and all the rights titles interest inheritances benefits claims and demands whatsoever to the said land and all appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining to have and to hold the said tract of land and all singular the premises above mentioned with their and every of their rights members and appurtenances together with all and singular everything touching or anywise concerning the same or any part thereof to the only proper uses benefits and behoof of the said John Reves his Heirs and assigns forever and the said Philip Upton and Rachel Upton his wife their Heirs and assigns the said tract of Land and premises above mentioned and all and every part and parcel of land thereof unto the said John Reves his heirs and assigns against him the said Philip Upton and Rachel Upton his heirs and assigns, shall and will forever warrant and defend by these presents, in witness whereof the said Philip Upton & Rachel Upton his wife hath hereunto set these hands and seals the day and year above writtenSigned sealed and deliveredPhilip (his mark) Upton (LS)
in the presents of usRachel (her mark) Upton (LS)
Test. Waltr Drane
William Drane
Nancy (her mark) Upton
Received the day and year first written of and from the within named John Reves the sum of one hundred pounds Sterling it being the consideration money within mentioned.
Personally came before me William Drane and made oath that he saw the within deed signed & Declared sworn to before me this 5th November 1793
Waltr Drane J. P.