Bill of Sale - Brewin Reaves to William Weldon
Warren County, North Carolina
Record of Wills, Vol. 5 1788-1792
Page 30, Image 71
Know all men by these Present that I Brewin Reaves of the county of Warren and State of North Carolina and in Consideration of Six pounds fourteen Shillings & Six pence Currency money to me in hand paid the receipt of which I do acknowledge have bargained Sold and Delivered to Wm. Weldon of the County and State aforesaid one Bed & furniture 1 loom two pewter Dishes one of them deep eleven pewter plates one Chest made of pine three Common Chairs half a Doz'n Knives & forks and a six hundred flay{?) and Harness one gallon bason and six pewter spoons to have & to hold and do by these presents bind my self and my Heirs Executors & Adm'rs to Warrant and Defend the right Title and property of the above inumerated articles to the said William Weldon his Heirs and assigns forever free and clear from the Claim or Claims of any Person or persons whatever.
In Witness Whereof I have hereunto Set my and and affixed my Seal this Seventh day of December A.D. 1789.
Signed Sealed Acknowledged his
Delivered in the presence of Brewin X Reaves
Nath'l Mason, Jurat mark
Arjalon Toone (?)
Warren County February Court 1790
This Bill of Sale form Brewin Reaves was presented in Court and proved by the oath of Nathaniel Mason Esq'r one of the Witnesses there to and on Motion ordered to be recorded.
Test M. Duke Johnson C.C.