Deed - William Jas. Watson to Nathaniel Reeves
Cumberland County, North Carolina
Deed Book 53, Pg 108
1 Feb 1790
Recorded 18 Jun 1856
William J. Watson (Coroner)to
Nathaniel Reaves (sic Reeves)
This Indenture made the first day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and ninety between William Jas. Watson Esq Coroner of the County of Bladen in the State of North Carolina of the one part and Nathaniel Reaves (sic Reeves) of the Same County of the other part, Witnesseth that whereas by virtue and in pursuance of an execution firie factious (sic fieri facias) issuing from the County Court of Wilmington against the goods and chattels lands and tenements of John Forster deceased for the sum of two thousand one hundred and sixty five pounds 12p which said sum was recovered by the heirs of the said John Forster by Samuel Donalson as by the records of this said Court of Wilmington may appear and whereas the said writ of firie facious (sic fieri facias) or execution was directed and delivered to the said William J. Watson Esq Coroner of the said County of Bladen (there being then no Sheriff in said County) commanding him that of the good and chattels lands and tenements of the said John Forster he should cause to be made the aforesaid Sum of two thousand one hundred and sixty five pounds 12p and this further sum of three Shillings & /9d for this cost accrued therein and the said William Js. Watson coroner as aforesaid by virtue and in pursuance of of (sic) his office of Coroner and by virtue & in pursuance of the said Writ of Execution did levy and take into his hands & custody a certain piece or parcel of land situate and being in the said County of Bladen on the North East Side of the North E West River and containing two hundred and ninety five Acres of land more or less - Beginning at a small white oak on the River bank and runs North 70Et/60 chains thence No 10 Wt 40 chains thence So 70 Wt 44 chains then So 20 Et 25 chains 20 links then S270 W 132 chains to the Riverbank then along the meanders of the River to the Beginning being all the remaining part or residue of a certain tract of land of 640 Acres granted to the said John Forster, the other part of said 640 Acres having been taken by an order of escheat the said William James Watson Coroner as aforesaid did after due advertisement according to law set up to public sale this aforesaid described piece or parcel of land with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging at the Court House in Bladen County on the first day of February at which time & place the said Nathaniel Reeves became the last & highest bidder at the sum of Sixty pounds for the said two hundred and ninety five acres of Land and all the said John Forster’s right title interest property claims and demand therein and thereto - Now This Indenture Witnesseth that the said William James Watson Coroner of Bladen County as aforesaid by virtue of his office and for and in consideration of the Sum of Sixty pounds to him the said Coroner in hand paid by the said Nathaniel Reeves at and before the sealing and signing of these presents the receipt and payment whereof is hereby fully acknowledged he the said William James Watson Coroner doth by these presents Sell Set over convey and confirm unto the said Nathaniel Reaves (sic Reeves) and his heirs forever all the said John Forster right title interest claim and demand of and to the said two hundred and ninety five acres of Land be the same more or less with all and singular the woods waters and every other appurtenance to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining. To Hold to him the said Nathaniel Reaves (sic Reeves) his heirs Exers adminrs and assigns free and clear of and from the said John Forster and his heirs. And the said William Js. Watson Coroner aforesaid doth hereby in as full and ample a manner as he is empowered by virtue of the said Office of Coroner bargain Sell Set over convey, transfer and confirm unto the said Nathaniel Reaves (sic Reeves) his Exrs admns and assigns all the right title interest property and claim of them of them (sic) the said John Forster and of his heirs of or unto the said bargained premises or any part thereof and further the said William James Watson Coroner aforesaid will warrant and defend the aforesaid bargained premises unto the said Nathaniel Reaves (sic Reeves) his heirs Exers adms and assigns fore (sic forever?) from any claim of the said Forster or his heirs as force of his office of Coroner will admit and no further - In Witness Whereof the said William J. Watson Coroner hath hereunto set his hand and Seal the day and year above written.
Signed Sealed & delivered } Wm Jas Watson Coroner (Seal)
in presence of }
Robert Spears }
Mary (?) Owen }
Bladen May Term 1790 - This deed was proved in open Court by the Oath of Robert Spears and ordered to be registered.
John White Clk
I do certify that the within is a true copy from the Registers Office of Bladen County (See Book E, page 178).
Registered 18th June 1856 Duncan Lewis Regr