1790 Will - Robert Rives

1790 Will - Robert Rives

1790 Will - Robert Rives

Richland County, South Carolina
Will Book C, p7
28 Oct 1790


Know all men by these presence that I Robert Rives of the State and County Aforesaid Calling to mind that it is appointed for all men once to die - Have Constituted and ordained this to be my last will and testament and as touching all my worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with - I give and bequeath the same in the following form and manner first my Soul to God that Gave it Secondly my body to be decently buried at the descression of my Executors hereafter to be mentioned and - thirdly my desire is that all my just debts be paid and fourthly I lend to my beloved wife Pricilla Rives during her Natural life one Sixth part of all my personal Estate - Then I give and bequeath to my five beloved Children by name William Rives, Simon Rives, Robert Rives, John Furman Rives and Patience Rives all my Personal Estate To them their heirs and assigns for ever to be Equally divided amongst them as they come of age or marry by my Executors hearafter to be mentioned, then my will and desire is that all my lands be Sold by my Executors hereafter to be named and that one Sixth part of the money arising from the same I lend to my beloved wife Pricilla Rives during her natural life and the remainder To be Equally divided among my five Children as mentioned above and the Sixth part lent to my wife at her death to be divided amongst my five Children above mentioned and lastly I do appoint my beloved brother Timothy Rives and my friend Tho's Taylor my lawfull Executors to Cary this my last will and testament into full Execution Disallowing and disannulling all other Wills and testaments what Ever - Given under my hand and Seal this Twenty Eighth day of October one thousand Seven hundred and ninety
Priscilla Rives
Before Assigned
In presence of us
Jacob Bookter
Daniel Kincsler
Susana Bookter
Proved in Open Court the 2rd Jan 1793


SC Archives - Robert Rives Will, http://www.archivesindex.sc.gov/
FamilySearch - Richland County, SC Will Book C, p7