1791 Deed - Benjamin Rives to Sharord Willis
Chester County, SC
Deed Book B, p382
15 Jan 1791
This Indenture made this fifteenth day of January one thousand seven hundred and ninety one in the sixteenth year of the Independence of America Between Benjamin Rives and wife planter of the State of South Carolina of the one part Sharord Willis planter of the other part witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of five pounds in hand paid by the sd Sharod Willis to the sd Benjamin Rives the Benefit whereof is hereby fully acknowledged the sd Benjamin Rives and Mary his wife hath Given Granted Bargained and sold and by these presents doth Give Grant Bargain and sell unto the sd Sharod Willis his heirs and assigns A certain piece or prack of land containing one hundred acres it being the east end of sd Rives land bounded on the ast by Adkin's land and on the So Williamson Henderson on the west Sd Rives land it being part of three hundred & ninety six Granted to sd Rives and on the west side of Catawba River to have and to hold the aforesaid track of one hundred acres of Land with all appertenances and all Rights previledges and Improvements to the in any wise Belonging to him the sd Sharod Willis his heirs and assigns forever and the sd Benjamin Rives for his heirs and assigns doth hereby Covenant and agree to and with the sd Sharord Willis his heirs and assigns shall and may forever hereafter peaceably and quietly have & hold, occupy and prove and enjoy the aforesd Granted Land and premises without the least molestation of any person or persons whatsoever free and clear from all manner of incumberances whatsoever and the sd Benjamin Rives & Mary his wife doth oblige themselves their heirs and assigns to warrant and defend the aforesd Granted track of land and premises unto the sd Sharord Willis his heirs and assigns forever against the claim of all persons whatsoever in witness whereof the parties have hereunto set hands and seals the day and year above writtenIn presents of }
Wilson Henderson } Benjamin Rives (LS)
Jacob Cooper } Mary (her o mark) Rives (LS)
Thomas Neely }
State of So Carolina }
Chester County }
Personally appeared Jacob Cooper Before me the subscriber and being sworn as the law directs saith on oath that he saw Benjamin Rives sign and deliver the within deed to Sherord Willis for the use and purposes within mentioned and that he saw Wilson Henderson and Thomas Neely sign their names as witnesses along with himself. Sworn to this 5th of April 1791
Phillip Walker J P } Jacob Cooper