1791 Deed – Joshua Hill to Bennett Reeves
Wilkes County, Georgia
Deed Book GG, p. 518-519
2 Nov 1791
This Indenture made this Second day of November one thousand seven hundred & ninety one Between Joshua Hill & amey his wife of the County of Wilkes & State of Georgia of the one part & Bennett Reeves of the said County and state aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said Joshua Hill & amey his wife for an in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds sterling The Receipt wherof (sic) is hereby acknowledged hath Granted Bargained & Sold Alien.d Enfeof (sic) & confirmed unto the said Bennett Reeves his Heirs & assigns forever a Certain Tract or parcel of land Containing three hundred acres Situate lying and being in the County of Wilkes in said State on the waters of newford Creek Bounded on all sides by Surveyed Land as appears by a plat of the same Begining (sic) at a black oak corner & Runing (sic) south Eighty degrees west thirty six Chains to a wighte (sic) oak South ten Degrees East twelve chains to a pine + North Sixty Seven Degrees west thirty four Chains to pine + North twenty five degrees west Seventy Chains to pine + North sixty five degrees East fourteen Chains to a Black oak + South twenty five degrees East forty two Chains to a white oak + North sixty five Degrees East forty seven Chains to a white oak + south twenty five Degrees East forty five Chains to the Begining Black oak + together with all & singular the Rights members an appurtenances therof (sic) whatsoever to the said tract or parcel of Land belonging or in any wise appertaining thereunto and also all the Estate Right title Interest Claim or Demand of the said tract or parcel of Land of in to or out of the same to have and to hold the said Land with all and Singular the premises aforesaid with his & every of his rights members and appurtenances unto the Said Bennett Reeves his heirs & assigns to his & their own proper use & behoof forever in fee simple In witness wherof (sic) the said Joshua Hill & amey his (wife) have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written Signed Sealed & Deliveredhis
In the presence of } Joshua x Hill (L S)
John Dyson } mark
Archib. Riddle } her
Interlined before assigned Amey x Hill (Seal)
The within deed was duly proved by the oaths of John Dison before me the 31st March 1792.
H. Mounger JP
Registered the 7th June 1792