William Reaves - 1791 Inventory and Division of Estate of Andrew Bass
Wayne County, North Carolina
Wills, Inventories & Settlements of Estates
Volume 1
1782 - 1791
An Inventory of 1/3 part of the Personal Estate of Andrew Bass Esqr Deceas'd being by a Jury Summoned and Sworn for that purpose Alloted and Set off t the Widow Mrs. Alice Bass for her Dower of the Same. Exclusive the Articles hereunto Annexed as pt Inventory Reserved without Division to be Sold in or __ to pay of the Legacy's debts etc.. 27th April 1791
- A list of personal property followed -
We the subscribers being Summoned and Sworn According to law for the within Mentioned purpose as __, have in obedience to an order of court Alloted and set of the within Mentioned Articles to Mrs. Alice Bass Widow heiress of the late Andrew Bass esqr, Dec'd for her Share of the Personal Estate of Said Dec'd. April the 27th Day 1791
__ McKinnie
Ezekiel Wolf
Nd (?) Fulghum
Samuel Harrill
William Reaves
John Herring
John Gidens
Sterling Dawell
Thos. Thomas
James Turner
Solomon Turner
July Term 1791
An Inventory of 2/3 parts of the Personal Estate of Andrew Bass esqr Dece'd being by a Jury Summoned and Sworn for that purpose Alloted and set of for Heir Daughter Miss Anna Bass _ of the same part of her Estate exclusive the Articles hereunto Annexed as ___ Inventory Reserved to be Sold in order to pay of the Legacy Debts on April 27th 1791.
- A list of personal property followed -
We the subscribers being Summoned and Sworn According to law for the within Mentioned purpose as __, have in obedience to an order of court Alloted and set of the within Mentioned Articles to Miss Anna Bass Heiress of the late Andrew Bass esqr, Dec'd for her Share of the Personal Estate of Said Dec'd. April the 27th Day 1791
N(?) McKinne
Ezekiel Hocume
Charles Wolf
Nd Fulgham
Samuel Harrill
William Reaves
John Herring
John Giddens
Sterling Powell
Thos. Thomas
James Turner
Solomon Thomas
July Term 1791
We the subscribers being Summoned and Sworn According to law for the purpose of allotting & Setting of the Dower of Mrs. Alice Bass widow of the late Andrew Bass Esqr Dec'd in obedience to an Order of Court for that purpose Have Allotted & Set of the lands as the play will appear beginning at a White Oak on the E't side of Brooks Swamp and then No. 120 poles to the Main Road and then along a line of Marked Trees So 5 6 wt 24 pole to a Sweet Gum then down a Branch So 47 Wt 136 pole to a Hicory then down the sd Brookes Swamp No. 41 Wt 224 poles to the Mouth of the Thorrofare Swamp then up the Said Swamp So. 320 pole ___ So. 10 Wt 240 pole to a pine then So. 60 Wt. 102 pole then So. 6 Et 200 pole to a pine then So. 25 Et 160 pole to the Head of the Great Branch then Down the Various Courses to the Same to the Mouth thereof then a Direct line to the Beginning.
H(?) Ba. McKinnnie Surv'y
Rd McKinnie
Ezekiel Slocume
Charles Woof
R'd Fulghum
Samuel Harrill
William Reaves
John Herring
John Gidens
Sterling Powell
Thos. Thomas
James Turner
Solomon Thomas
July Court 1791