1793 Deed - John Cole to Richard Reeves
Baltimore County, MarylandDeed Book LL, p490
29 Jul 1793
This Indenture made this twenty ninth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety three Between John Cole of Baltimore Town of the one part and Richard Reeves of the same place of the other part Whereas John Moale of the Town aforesaid Gentlemen (heir at Law and Devisee of Richard Moale late of the town aforesaid Deceased) his his certain Indenture of Leave Bearing date the fourth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine did for the consideration in said Indenture of Leave expressed and contained demise grant lease and to form let unto the said John Cole his executors administrators and assigns all that piece or parcel of ground being part of a tract of land called Davids Fancy lying and being in the County aforesaid and contained within the following metes and Bounds causes and distances to wit Beginning for said piece or parcel of Ground at the end of Fifty Eight perches ten feet in a north eighty one degrees east course from the pig iron at William Lacks Beginning and running thence north eighty one degrees east sixteen perches then south ten Degrees east twenty one perches ten feet to cross thence south eighty three degrees west binding on Cross street sixteen perches to the south east corner of James George lott and thence Binding on the east side of the said lott to the beginning containing two acres and twenty four perches more or less To have and to hold the said land and every the appurtenances benefits and advantages thereunto Belonging unto him the said John Cole his executors administrators and assigns for and during the term of ninety nine years commencing from the date of said Indenture of lease and with the Benefit of renewment from time to time forever under and subject to a certain yearly rent and sundry Covenant in said Identure of lease expressed and contained to be paid done and performed by and on the part of the said John Cole his executors administrators and assigns all which (reference being had to the said Indenture of lease recorded among the records of Baltimore County Court in Liber WG No DD folio 103 & will more fully and at large appear now this Indenture witnesseth that the said John Cole for and in consideration of the sum of fourteen pounds current money to him in hand paid by the said Richard Reeves at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and for and in consideration of the performance of the covenants herein after mentioned to be kept and performed by and on the part of the said Richard Reeves his executors administrators and assigns Hath Bargained Sold assigned Transfered and set over and by these presents doth Bargain sell assigns transfer and set over unto the said Richard Reeves his executors administrators and assigns all that the above mentioned and described piece or parcel of Ground with its appurtenances Improvements Benefits and advantages and all the right title estate interest property claim or demand either in law or equity of in or to the same or of in an to any part or parcel thereof To Have and to Hold the said piece or parcel of Ground and Premises with every the appurtenances thereunto Belonging and appertaining unto him the said Richard Reeves his executors administrators and assigns for and during all the rest residue and remainder of the said term of ninety nine years which is therein yet to come and unexpired and in as full free ample and beneficial a manner as he the said John Cole might could or ought to have held and enjoyed the same by any ways or means whatsoever and the said Richard Reeves Doth hereby covenant and agree with the said John Cole his executors & administrators to pay all such arrearages of rent as are now due from the said John Cole to the said John Moale for and on account of the land and premises aforesaid and also to pay to the said John Moale his heirs or assigns the yearly rent in said Indenture of lease expressed and contained to be paid by and on the part of the said John Cole and to perform andn keep all and singular the covenants and agreements in said original Indenture of lease contained to be done and performed by and on the part of the said John Cole his executors administrators and assigns In witness whereof the said Parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year first above written.John (his x mark) Cole (LS)
Signed Sealed & Delivered in presence of }Received the date of the within
The Words Executors administrators & assigns }Indenture of the within named Richard Reeves
being first interlined Geo Gould M Presbury }
M Eichelberger }