Mason Co., KY - 1796 Deed, Elijah Reeves to Roberts Allen

1796 Deed - Elijah Reeves to Roberts Allen

Deed - Elijah Reeves to Roberts Allen

Mason County, Kentucky
Deed Book C p. 101-103
17 Mar 1796
FHL Film #0281783, Part 2

THIS INDENTURE made the Seventeenth day of March One thousand Seven hundred and ninety Six Between Elijah Reeves of the County of Mason & State of Kentucky of the one part and Roberts Allen of the same place Yeoman of the other part Witnesseth that the said Elijah Reeves for and in consideration of fifteen pound heretofore paid by Sucion (?) Taylor good and Lawfull money of said State and now on behalf of said Roberts Allen the Receipt whereof the said Elijah Reeves doth hereby acknowledge before the ensealing and Delivery hereof have granted bargained Sold aliened and confirmed unto the said Roberts Allen a part o the South End of the Plantation or tract of land on which the said Elijah Reeves now lives on which he purchased of Lewis Craig Beginning at a Spanish Oak and white Oake thence North Sixty One & half poles to a Walnut Oake and two Elms thence East One hundred and thirty and One half poles to a walnut & Hickory thence South Sixty One & a half poles to two small Hickorys & Elm thence west one hundred and thirty poles & one half poles to the Beginning containing fifty acres & one (?) and twenty poles To have & to hold the said granted and bargained Land and premises with every of the appurtenances unto the said Roberts Allen and to his heirs & Assigns forever and the said Elijah Reeves for himself his heirs Exors. & Admos. doth covenant and agree to and with the said Roberts Allen and his heirs and Assigns that he and they shall and will warrant and forever defend the above devised Land & premises against the claim of all manner of Persons claiming the same unto the said Roberts Allen and to his heirs and Assigns forever In Witness whereof the said Elijah Reeves hath hereunto Set his hand and Seal the day and year above written
Signed Sealed & delivered           }                                     Elijah Reeves (Seal)
In presence of us                             }

State of Kentucky Mason County
Personally came before us David Morris and James Wilson Justices of the Peace in and for said County the above Signing Elijah Reeves and Acknowledged the above Deed of Bargain and Sale to the said Roberts Allen to be his voluntary Act and Deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned Given under our hands and seals this the 17 day of March 1796
                                                                        David Morris (Seal)
                                                                        James Wilson (Seal)

Mason County March Court 1796
This Indenture of Bargain & Sale from Reeves to Allen was presented in Court and Ordered to be Recorded
                                                                        Teste     Thos. Marshall Jr CMC

Contributors to this page: Beverly .
Page last modified on Friday 22 of February, 2013 05:38:06 CST by Beverly.