1796 Will - Priscilla Rives

1796 Will - Priscilla Rives

1796 Will - Priscilla Rives

Richland County, South Carolina
Will Book D, p28
10 Jun 1796


In the Name of God Amen. I Prescilla Rives being weak in Body but of Perfect Mind and memory do make this my last Will and Testament in Manner and form following that is to say First I bequeath to my Nephew James Rives and his heirs (son of Timothy Rives) my Two Negroe fellows Cook and James, also a note of George Ashfords for Five thousand weight of Tobacco Also Eight Pounds Sterling due the first day of January next to me by John Andrews, but should my Nephew James Rives die without heir then I do bequeath all the above Property to his Brother Turner and sister Charlotte to be equally divided between them.
Secondly I do bequeath to my Nephew William Rives a Debt due to me from the Estate of his Father Robert Rives decd
Thirdly my Cloath I wish to be equally divided between Mrs. Pricella Rives and her two Daughters Mrs. Polly Williamson and Charlotte Rives, And the residue of my Estate I bequeath to my beloved Brother Timothy Rives.
Lastly I do Nominate and appoint my beloved Brother Timothy Rives and my friend Thomas Taylor Executors of this my last will hereby revoking all others.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Affixed my seal this tenth day of June in the Year of Our Lord One thousand seven Hundred and Ninety six and in the Twentieth Year of American Independence.
Signed Sealed and Acknowledged     }
in the Presence of Us                    }Pricella (her mark) Rives
Elizabeth Tillinghast
Nancey (her mark) Williamson
Martyn Alken

Ordinary's Office }
Richland District } Appeared before me Elizabeth Green late Elizabeth Tillinghast who being sworn on the holy Evangelist of Almighty God, saith she saw the above Named Priscilla Rives make her mark and acknowledge the above to be her seal & declare the above Instrument of writing to be her last will & Testament that the said Priscilla Rives Appeared to be of sound & perfect mind & memory at the time of Executing the same & that the this Deponent & Miss Nancey Williamson & Martyn Alken were Witness to the due Execution of the same.
Sworn to before us the 12th
Novm. 1800 Elizabeth Green
Simon Taylor


SC Archives - Will of Prescilla Rives, http://www.archivesindex.sc.gov/