Deed - John Dobbins to Samuel Reeves
Rowan County, North Carolina
Deed Book 16, Page 183-184
25 Nov 1797
THIS INDENTURE made this 25th day of Novr. 1797 ~ Between John Dobbins son to James of Rowan County and State of North Carolina of the one part and Samuel Reeves of the County and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said John Dobbins for & in Consideration of the Sum of two Hundred & eighty Nine pounds five Shillings North Carolina Currency to him in hand paid at & before the Ensealing and Delivery of these presents by the said Samuel Reeves, the receipt whereof the said John Dobbins son of James Doth hereby Acknowledge himself fully Satisfied, Contented & paid and of every part & parcel thereof doth fully acquit exonerate and discharge him the said Saml Reeves his heirs & Assigns forever and the said John Dobbins son of James Hath by these presents given Granted Bargained, Sold, Aliened, enfeoffed conveyed & Confirmed and doth fully & Clearly give grant bargain Sell Alien enfeoff give, grant bargain sell Alien enfeoff Convey & Confirm unto the said Saml. Reeves his heirs and Assigns forever all that piece or parcel of land lying & being in Rowan County and State aforesaid On the Waters of Withrow’s Creek on both sides of the beaver dam Branch being part of a track of land Granted by the Earl Granville to James Dobbins Dated by patent the 21st Day of Decr. 1761 as by record and more fully appears, Beginning for the said Piece or Parcel of land at a post Alexr. Dobbins Corner & running thence West along John Lowrances line West thirty six Chains & a half to a Hicory One of the original corners thence South Seventy one Chains to a Spanish Oak John Lowrance’s Corner thence East Seventeen Chains to a Hicory Cowans Corner thence South five Chains to a White Oak in Cowans line the Original corner, thence along his line East Seventeen Chains & thirty links to a Hicory Alexander Dobbins Corner on the Original line thence with his line being the Division line of the whole tract North to the Beginning Containing by Estimation 267 Acres of land be the Same more or less Together with all and Singular the improvements appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining to have & to hold the said Bargained lands and Premises unto the only proper use & behoof of his the said Samuel Reeves his heirs & Assigns forever And to no other use intent or purpose whatever and that the said Samuel Reeves his heirs Exers. Admrs. & Assigns shall and may have hold Occupy Possess and enjoy the said land and premises free and Clear from any & All Such Troublel or Molestation from by or under him the said John Dobbins his heirs or Assigns or any or other of them And that the said John Dobbins son of James Doth Covenant & agree for himself his heirs Exrs. and Admrs. with the said Samuel Reeves his heirs & Assigns to warrant and defend the said Bargained land and premises from all manner of lawful Claims whatever unto the said Samuel Reeves his heirs and Assigns forever According to its Meets and Bounds and the true intent and meaning of these presents, and the Acts of Assembly in Such Case made and provided, In Witness whereof the said John Dobbins son of James, Hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year first above written ~
Signed Sealed & delivered }
in presence of } John Dobbins son James (seal)
Thos. Prather }
Alexander Dobbins }
State of N. Carolina } Feby. Sessn. 1798 ~ It is hereby Certified that this
Rowan County } Deed was proved in open Court by the Oath of Alexander Dobbins & ordered to be registered.
C. J. Osborn CC