1798 Will - Adonijah Reeves

1798 Will - Adonijah Reeves

1798 Will - Adonijah Reeves


Cape May County, New Jersey
Will Records 708E
9 Feb 1798


In the name of God Amen. I Adonijah Reeves of the County of Cape May and State of New Jersey being weak in body but of sound mind and Memory (thanks be given to God therefor) do this seventh day of February in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety eight, make and publish this my last Will and testament in manner following (viz) Imprimis I recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it, and my body to the earth from whence it was taken, nothing doubting but at the joyful resurrection I shall receive the same again through the merits of my only Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and as for the worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless one with in this life I despare of in the following manner. First after my just debts are all paid, I give unto my well beloved wife Druscilla Reeves the use of all my real and personal estate for ten years for to bring up my children upon, and after the term of ten years are expired, then, my widow will relinquish the whole and take her thirds as the law directs, and the residue to be divided among my children as the law directs. Item And as I purchased as small tract of land of Constantine and Thomas Carlbe minors and they obliged themselves to make me a deed, when they or either of them should arrive at the age of twenty one, and it is my will and I order that my executors to take a deed in my name from Constantine Carll as soon as he shall arrive at the age of twenty one years of the said two acres of land as by obligation will appear, and when Thomas comes of age of twenty one years, do cause him to sign the deed also or sign a quit claim, Lastly I do hereby make constitute and ordain my well beloved wife Druscilla Reeves my executrix, and my trusty friend Lemuel Swain my executor of this my last will and Testament revoking all former wills by me heretoforemade, confirming this and this only to be my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Adonijah Reeves
Signed Sealed Published and
Declared by the said Adonijah Reeves
as his last will and
Testament in the presence of
us whose names are here under
written who did each of us
subscribe our names being
called as witnesses at his request
and in the presence of each other
William Buck
Ichabud Congoon
John Yates
Thomas J Curtis


FamilySearch - Cape May County, New Jersey Will Records 708E