1798 Deed - George Reeves and Jane his wife to Matthew Dickey

1798 Deed - George Reeves et ux to Matthew Dickey

1798 Deed – George Reeves and Jane to Matthew Dickey

Grayson County, Virginia
Deed Book 1, pg. 207-208
25 August 1798


This Indenture made this twentyfifth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and Ninetyeight Betwixt George Reeve Senr and Janey his wife of the County of Grayson and State of Virginia of the one part and Matthew Dickey of the County and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said George Reeves and Jane his wife for and inconsideration of the sum of Two thousand Dollars Current Money of Virginia to them the said George Reeves and Jane his Wife in hand paid before the ensealing and delivering these presents the receipt whereof the sd. George and Jane his wife doth hereby acknowledge Have Bargained and Sold and by these presents do and each of them doth Bargain and Sell unto the said Matthew Dickey his Heirs and Assigns a Certain Tract or parcel of Land Containing Four Hundred acres lying and being in the County of Grayson on the Waters of Peachbottom Creek a branch of New River and is bounded as followeth to wit, Beginning at a large White oak and running south fourteen Degrees East Fifty poles to a Blackoak, North Eightysix East Fiftysix poles to a Whiteoak by a branch South fifteen East Forty poles to a small Blackoak South thirtysix East Sixtytwo poles to a large Whiteoak and Redoak South Forty West one hundred and Seventy six poles to a small Whiteoak and Redoak North fortysix West four hundred and five poles thence North Sixtyfive East one hundred and fortyfive poles to the beginning with all and Singular the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining to the sd. Matthew Dickey and his Heirs forever to have and to hold to their own proper use and behoof forever free from the Claim Challenge or demand of any person or persons whatsoever and further the said George Reeves and Jane his wife for themselves their Heirs doth agree to and Covenant with the sd. Matthew Dickey his Heirs and assigns that the sd George Reeves and Jane his wife will and doth by these presents warrant and forever defend the said Tract or parcel of Land unto the said Matthew Dickey his Heirs and assigns forever in Witness Whereof the sd George Reeves and Jane his wife have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and (sic) first above written
Signd Seald & Delivered in presents of § George Reeves (Seal)
William Bourn, John Blair                       § Jean Reeves (Seal)
William his x mark Evans                         §
                      At a Court held for the County of Grayson on the 29th day of August 1798 this Indenture of Bargain and Sale from George Reeves and Jane his wife to Matthew Dickey was acknowledged in Court by the said George and ordered to be Recorded –
                                                                        Test Martin Dickenson D.C.

Ordered that a Commission Issue for the privy Examination of Jane his Wife.
                                                                        Test M. Dickenson D.C.


Grayson County VA DB 1, p. 207-208
Contributors to this page: Beverly .
Page last modified on Saturday 14 of October, 2017 19:15:19 CDT by Beverly.